Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Scale Aircraft Modelling

The origins of the hobby known today as scale modelling date back to before the beginning of the twentieth century. During the Great War and, more prolifically, during the Second World War, model aircraft were fabricated from wood and metal and used for the practice of identifying enemy aircraft. Indeed, as late as the 1970s, young Air Training Corps cadets were still learning the difference between the main military types from scale models. The first scale kits available for purchase were made from balsa wood and it wasn't until the 1950s that injection-moulded plastic parts were used to construct more exact replicas. Today, injected plastic is, almost without exception, the main medium from which scale model aircraft are built. In the 1960s, model aircraft had raised panel lines and rivets that, if scaled up, would nearer represent hubcaps. Today's model manufacturers use computer-designed masters and state-of-the-art equipment to create parts that fit together so well that it is possible to make fine replicas of all sorts of aircraft, from the beginning of flight, through to the present aircraft that grace the skies and even into the future.

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