Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Scale Aviation Modeller International 08 2005

Apparently, or so the demographics tell us, we don't build so many kits in the Summer. Who distilled this piece of nonsense, and from what, I cannot imagine, but the idea that all the plastic modellers of the world have put aside their scalpels and liquid poly, and taken advantage of the weather to enjoy a nice game of tennis seems unlikely. Strangely enough the manufacturers seem to have embraced the notion, and the flood of kits anticipated back in the spring has slowed to a thin trickle (mainly of Dassault Mirages), and the assumption seems to be that a languidly has pervaded the modelling space and dried up the last remnants of the foul gooey water in the bottom of the bowl on the workbench. Memo to self: Must change the decal water this year. Ironic really, when one considers the usual public perception of plastic modellers as pale cave-dwelling creatures who shun the light and toil away behind closed curtains. Could it be that the demographics are actually right, and that we are, in reality, a race of bronzed sun worshipping demi-gods?

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Euromodelismo 171

Tras el desembarco en Normandía el 6 de junio de 1944» todos los suministros aliados eran desembarcados en las playas y en los muelles Mulberry, estos últimos tan sólo parcialmente completados. El 19 de junio, el tiempo empeoró aún más y se desencadenó una tempestad que asoló el canal de la Mancha durante cuatro días, dañando gravemente los dos Mulberries y embarrancando unas 700 embarcaciones ligeras. El ritmo de desembarco se redujo en dos tercios. El Mulberry americano resultó tan dañado que fue abandonada su reparación. El 18 de junio, Montgomery había ordenado que los americanos conquistaran Cherburgo, aún en manos de los alemanes. Éste era el puerto más importante de la zona donde se esperaba poder desembarcar unas 150.000 toneladas en cuatro semanas. La fortaleza de Cherburgo se rindió al VII Cuerpo el 26 de junio, y aunque el puerto resistió un día más, fué destruido tan concienzudamente por los alemanes, que no pudo ser utilizado de manera completa hasta finales de septiembre.

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Verlinden Modeling Magazine Vol.8 No.4

The SiG33 has got to be the most UN-aerodynamic vehicle in history; fortunately, tanks need not be aerodynamic! However, for some reason or another it's one of my favorites. The Dragon/DML kit (#6042) is nicely molded with many parts including photo-etch. Assembly is easy and quick. Out of the box, it makes a nice kit, but I decided to go a step further here and there. Since I was going to display the tank with hatches open, I went to work on a partial interior. I added lots of small details and the rear assembly of the gun from a cannibalized Verlinden SiG 33 (#1001). Crank handles, radios, boxes, and levers were scavenged from the parts box and glued in logical areas. The interior was then sprayed an off-white with a touch of pink. A wash of Burnt Sienna oil paint and a drybrushing of flat white, and the tank was ready to be closed up. Outside, the fenders were replaced with those cut from lead foil. Hatches were detailed with spare parts for levers and copper wire handles. The stowage bin lid was replaced with a thinner one cut from plasticard. The bin was filled with equipment and gear.

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