The Hetzer modelled in this article was one of those captured unfinished by the Czech resistance fighters from the Germans in 1945. I chose to model this particular one because I had the most information and was fairly certain about each of the slogans. There is controversy about If these Hetzers carried a primer red or mild steel finish. The sand-yellow details are also part of the debate. There are several photos of this Hetzer and her slogans where changed a few times throughout this period as well. I have always enjoyed subjects that allow me to apply different types of detailing, fresh finishes and new techniques. Over the last year I have observed talented modellers obtaining very convincing and interesting results with new methods such as the hairspray technique. I have experimented with the hairspray technique in the past but needed to resort back to traditional methods to get the look that I had envisioned on my models. I have even had the opportunity to see renowned modellers like Phil Stutcinskas and Per Olav Lund perform this technique live but was still unable to replicate it.
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