Thursday, April 8, 2010

AFV Modeller Issue 50

The Hetzer modelled in this article was one of those captured unfinished by the Czech resistance fighters from the Germans in 1945. I chose to model this particular one because I had the most information and was fairly certain about each of the slogans. There is controversy about If these Hetzers carried a primer red or mild steel finish. The sand-yellow details are also part of the debate. There are several photos of this Hetzer and her slogans where changed a few times throughout this period as well. I have always enjoyed subjects that allow me to apply different types of detailing, fresh finishes and new techniques. Over the last year I have observed talented modellers obtaining very convincing and interesting results with new methods such as the hairspray technique. I have experimented with the hairspray technique in the past but needed to resort back to traditional methods to get the look that I had envisioned on my models. I have even had the opportunity to see renowned modellers like Phil Stutcinskas and Per Olav Lund perform this technique live but was still unable to replicate it.

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Military Modelling 1998-01

Wehrmacht motorcycles and their units played an important role during WWII riding across muddy ground, snowy and frozen battle fields or the desert sands of North Africa to carry orders, supplies or even wounded soldiers. After Germany's defeat in WWI, the Treaty of Versailles stipulated that the German Army should not consist of more than 100,000 officers and men, and possess no tanks or armoured cars. Under such restrictions, the Reichswehr looked upon motorcycles as a successor to cavalry and bicycle orderlies, and began to concentrate its energies in the production of light vehicles for the mechanisation of fighting troops. Motorcycles, amongst others, were first used as the main body of mechanised troops because of their advantage of being relatively inexpensive and not specifically designed military vehicles. Motorcycle units were not merely used for communication purposes. After the outbreak of WWII, motorcycle units rode across all battlefields as elite front line troops and always led the vanguard of mobile troops, fully displaying their superiority.

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Verlinden Modeling Magazine Vol.10 No.2

Tamiya's Beaufighter is a sheer pleasure to build. Not only are the details molded nicely, the fit of the parts makes assembly fun and frustration free. For the most part the kit was built out of the box with only a few minor additions. A desert scheme was chosen for the attractive combination of Middlestone and Dark Earth. With the new VP 1332 Luftwaffe Ground Crew WWII Summer in 1/48 scale, a desert scene came to mind and suited the Beaufighter nicely. The interior was built straight from the box with only the seatbelts and buckles added from lead foil and copperwire. Testors RAF Interior Green was used for the hasp coat. The windscreens were masked with Bare Metal Foil. Testors RAF Middle Stone was applied first and then a camo pattern of Testors Dark Earth. After drying overnight, the areas where the markings go were buffed with an old T-shirt, and the decals applied. After the decals dried, a coat of Matte varnish was applied.

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