Monday, May 10, 2010

Sky Model No.32

La storia di questo aereo cominciò una quindicina di anni fa, mi piaceva molto (a chi non piace?) ma sapevo che vi erano 2/3 particolari veramente difficili da fare. Le ali per esempio, ellittiche: con bordo d'entrata curvo e leggermente a sbalzo, le relative centine per ottenere i vani delle armi ecc ... La fusoliera, sottile, era bellissima, una cura particolare richiedevano le prime 7 ordinate che andavano rifinite bene, perché sarebbero state visibili, specialmente la n° 11 con il sedile ad essa fissato. Un progetto preciso e complesso richiese la prima ordinata che portava il supporto motore, vari organi e la "gabbia" alla quale andavano fissati i cofani. Abbastanza agevoli da fare sono risultati i vari comandi, perfino quello del timone verticale che ha poco spazio per la leva di comando, almeno in origine anche i vari "trim" funzionavano. Ero tentato dall'elica a quattro pale e volli provare, per la prima volta, di farla con passo variabile a comando dal cruscotto, e ci riuscii; un dettaglio naturalmente inutile, ma a me queste complicazioni piacciono. Il modello è rimasto danneggiato nei vari spostamenti così per anni è rimasto dimenticato in una scatola.

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Scale Aviation Modeller International 2002-07

This all-new tooling of the last version of the great Tomcat, is due for release by Revell® in the second quarter of 1999 (April to June) and we are extremely privileged to have a test shot of the tooling directly from Revell, Binney & Smith (Europe) Ltd for evaluation. The kit we have is without decals, instructions or packaging, but the level of detail is near to the production standard we will all see once the kit is mass produced. The main parts of the kit are contained in two sprues, with an additional sprue, half that size, for a number of additional parts and the final sprue is a very small one offering two pylons, the instrument panels, TARPS pod and instrument panels. The model features nicely recessed panel lines throughout and the level of detail, even on this test shot, is the equal of anything you will see from japan. Weapons load comprises the four Phoenix missiles for under the fuselage only, and no pylons are included for the wings, or flashed-over holes in the wing panels for their possible installation.

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Advanced Ship Modelling

Water and ships have always fascinated me. I remember being taken by my Grandma to Abington Park in Northampton when I was very small, certainly preschool, and seeing the model boating lake therein. It was an uphill approach so that suddenly the whole shining water surface appeared at eye level with sundry model boats sailing about. Even after nearly 70 years that magic moment stays with me, as does the Canoe Lake at Southsea where in 1935 I saw for the first time a large steam driven model warship in action. By today's standards these models were probably very crude. One has only to look at early ship model books by Percival Marshall and the like, published in the 1930's, to realise how far we have come. But all that is in hindsight. At that time all I had was a little clockwork driven Hornby speedboat, the smallest in the range, to compete with such magnificence. At that time Southern Railways were running paddle steamers along the south coast and at the pier head of, I think, Southsea pier a beautiful model of one of them was displayed in a glass case. It was probably of the paddle steamer Southsea and I guess made by Bassett Lowke. What I would not have given to own that model! A mess of pottage does not come into it.

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Advanced Aviation Modelling

What progress are you making as a modeller? When I go to the IPMS Nationals or Scale Model World, as it is now known, I come away asking myself that same question. Am I improving? Am I stuck in a rut? Do I knowingly rush and cut corners that I know will be to the detriment of the model? The aim of this book is to commend to you the benefits of trying to get more out of your interest in making scale-model aeroplanes, by looking deeper into the after-market and homegrown possibilities that exist and thus advance in the hobby. Any overlap in subject matter with Mark Stanton's excellent overview of the hobby is not meant in any way to be disingenuous but is rather the natural result of trying to achieve the stated aim of the book. What the book cannot do is refine your manual dexterity or give you artistic perception. This hobby will always be an individual effort where practice will teach you more than a hundred books of this nature. Put another way, this book can inform, inspire and motivate but it can never generate!

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Model Graphix 2010-05

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Modell Fan 2010-02

Bis heute ist mir das majestätisch anmutende Flugbild der F-102 Delta Dagger lebhaft in Erinnerung geblieben. Als Kind blickte ich oft in den Himmel, wenn ein Düsenjäger tief über das elterliche Haus flog. Damals waren es nicht gerade wenige und ganz besonders hat mich die F-102 Delta Dagger fasziniert, ja ich glaube sogar sagen zu können, dass meine Affinität zur militärischen Luftfahrt ihren Ursprung in dieser Begegnung mit der F-102 gefunden hat. Sicherlich die Motivation, um sich mehr als 35 Jahre später an ein entsprechendes Modellbauprojekt zu wagen. Für den Modellbauer gibt es eigentlich nur zwei Spritzguss-Bausätze, die mit vertretbarem Aufwand den Bau einer F-102A zulassen: In 172 wäre da der Oldie aus den 197oer-Jahren von Hasegawa, der in Sachen Formgebung einen recht stimmigen Eindruck hinterlässt, aber vom Detaillierungsstand seinem Alter Tribut zollen muss. Etwas besser ist der Modellbauer dran, der seine Delta Dagger im Maßstab 1:48 bauen möchte. Er kann auf den vor knapp 20 Jahren erschienen Monogram-Kit zurückgreifen, der vor einigen Jahren von Revell mit einer kleinen, aber wichtigen Änderung wieder in die Läden kam.

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Scale Aviation Modeller International 2001-03

After the '0' scries of fighters — Fiat G.50, Reggiane Re.2000 (SAMIVol3/6, June 1997) and the Macchi C.200 (SAMI Vol2/8, August 1996) — the Italian aircraft industry entered a second phase in a desperate effort to regain lost ground. Most of the aircraft on the Regia Aeronautica (RA) inventory were at that time powered by bulky radial air-cooled engines as no Italian aeroengine manufacturer had managed to produce an in-line liquid-cooled power plant of suitable performance. If the Italian aircraft industry was to produce anything like the Spitfire and Messerschmitt Bf 109, it had no option but to turn its attention beyond its shores for the necessary power around which to build such projects. On the personal initiative of Ing. Alberto Longhi, head of Reggiane's Technical Office, the excellent Daimler-Benz DB.601A arrived in Italy, first through the supply of a number of examples, and later through its licence-production. The Italian version officially matched the original's l,175hp at sea level running at 2,300rpm, and l,040hp at 4,100m. In practice, it seems that some did not perform so well, while there were the odd ones which bettered specified rates by some 10-12%!

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Sky Model No.30

Nel dopoguerra la Fiat continuò a produrre e revisionare per le scuole italiane e l'esportazione l'ottimo caccia G.55. Ben presto sorsero però problemi per l'approvvigionamentob dei motori tedeschi Daimler Benz DB.605A da 1475 cv, costruiti su licenza dalla Fiat con la denominazione di RA.1050 RC. 38 Tifone. Per questo motivo l'Aviazione Militare Italiana, legittima proprietaria di diverse cellule accantonate nel periodo di guerra e non consegnate ai reparti, collaborò con la Fiat per ottenere una diversa motorizzazione, consegnando due Spitfire Mk. IX e un Mustang R51 D. Utilizzando la cellula del prototipo del G.56 furono fatte diverse esperienze, fino a ottenere un buon risultato con l'inserimento su una cellula di G.55 già trasformata in biposto di un motore prelevato dal P.51 D Mustang. Nacque così il Fiat G.55 M, in seguito ribattezzato G.59. La motorizzazione del G.55 con il motore Rolls-Royce Merlin 500/20 da 1420 hp dette vita a un ottimo aereo, mantenendo la manovrabilità del predecessore anche se le prestazioni in velocità ebbero una leggera diminuzione.

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Model Graphix 2010-01

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Model Aircraft Monthly 2004-04

UNIQUE IN A NUMBER OF WAYS, THE STIRLING WAS apparently well liked by those who flew it clue to its good manoeuvreability, sturdy construction and ability to sustain considerable amounts of battle damage. However its flight performance and bomb carrying capacity left much to be desired thanks to the short-sighted requirements laid down by the Air Ministry; so the Stirling was later overshadowed by its rivals, the Handley Page Halifax and the Avro Lancaster. Consequently the Stirling's time as a bomber was relatively short but it went on to forge a new career for itself as a glider tug, transport and specialist warfare platform, even seeing some limited post-war use as a civilian airliner. Deliveries to the RAF of the first production standard aircraft from Short Brothers, designated as Stirling Mk Is, began slowly during the late summer of 1940 as the aviation industry devoted itself to churning out sorely needed Hurricane and Spitfire fighters to defend the country against the might of the Luftwaffe throughout the desperate days of the Battle of Britain. The supply of Stirlings was also hampered by the fact that the Germans raided Rochester and destroyed half a dozen newly completed airframes as they stood ready for delivery. A similar attack on Belfast later on wiped-out another five.

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Scale Aviation Modeller International 2001-02

Hasegawa's kit of the Typhoon Mk lb is an impressive item in its own right. There are 86 parts, both clear and light grey plastic, with many being redundant including full pairs of unfaired cannon barrels and the rudder external mass balance for the earliest aircraft. Two colour options are provided; No. 175 Squadron and No. 198 Squadron, RAH Both of these subjects are for 'Bomb-phoons', but modifying the kit to an early interceptor is a simple job; you just don't open up the flashed-over holes for the bomb racks. On the other hand the detail on the Jaguars update set is absolutely phenomenal. There are 35 resin components and an etched brass fret with a further 38 parts, complemented by a photographic film providing the instruments. The detail on the parts is amazing and getting a good job out of this set is dependent solely upon the modeller's own ability.

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Sky Model No.27

L'apertura della scatola rivela due buste, una della quali contiene le decal e le istruzioni e l'altra le undici stampate in plastica grigio chiara nelle quali il modello è scomposto. Le parti trasparenti sono anch'esse in plastica ad iniezione. Alcune stampate presentano delle bave ma il dettaglio superficiale è gradevole ed anche le parti più minute sono fini e precise, per cui le imperfezioni sono del tutto perdonabili. Il libretto delle istruzioni è di ben 12 pagine per 24 passaggi successivi, è presente anche un utilissimo diagramma dei tiranti e sono possibili ben quattro diversi schemi di colorazione. I motori sono composti da 32 parti, i cilindri, gli scarichi e le prese d'aria delle due Rolls Royce Eagle sono separati. Le ali e la fusoliera si montano separatamente e si uniscono alla fine, dopo la colorazione. Gli interni sono piuttosto spartani e sulle fiancate è presente qualche pannellatura; poco male, una volta installati i figurini del pilota e del mitragliere, non si vedrà più nulla. La realizzazione di questo modello non è difficile, a parte il fatto che si tratta di un biplano....

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