Saturday, June 12, 2010

Wing Masters No.34

Les pièces internes reproduisent surtout le cockpit, très simple, avec sa baignoire aux consoles gravées, son siège, son manche et son tableau de bord aux cadrans bien en relief. On notera également les caissons de trains dont en voit les canalisations et les conduites. La découpe est classique : deux moitiés de fuselage, un nez, des stabilisateurs, des ailes avec intrados et extrados et les accessoires (train, caisson du réservoir central, échelle d'accès, verrière monobloc, pylônes et missiles). Le montage ne recèle aucune mauvaise surprise. Peu de colmatage est à prévoir; vous pourrez assembler ce kit en deux temps trois mouvements et passer rapidement à sa mise en peinture.Il existe différentes manières d'aborder ce point selon le résultat que l'on souhaite obtenir et bien sûr de ses capacités et de l'équipement dont on dispose. Peindre une maquette constitue évidemment toujours un défi car montage un parfait peut être ruiné par une application approximative des couleurs (quel que soit d'ailleurs le procédé retenu, pistolet ou pinceau).

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Model Aeroplanes of WWI - Design and Construction

Of all modelling pursuits, constructing model aircraft is probably the most popular and, indeed, can be traced back to the times of Leonardo Da Vinci, when models were used to test the theories of flight. The craft as we know it today, however, started in the early 1900s, although initially flying and display models were mainly built from plans and drawings. Simple wooden kits appeared in the mid 1930s and were produced until the early sixties when the plastics industry largely revolutionized the display model-kit market. For reasons of production economy, however, the choice of plastic kit is sometimes limited to the better known types of aircraft, and so often the modeller must build his or her own choice of model from plans using raw materials - a process otherwise known as 'scratch building'. Scratch building model display aircraft of the First World War holds a particular fascination, both from a modelling viewpoint and an observational one. Their characteristic fabric-covered structures and rigging wires typify the antiquated charm of these historic old timers, and one has only to witness those fine museum models to testify to that. Armed with the techniques of building these models, you will have the freedom to construct any project at a modest cost and to a scale of your choice.

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Military Modelling 1994-11

It is difficult to say when I became hooked on submarines, but one thing is certain: it was many, many years ago. My friendship with Baldomero Saiz is also an old one. He is one of those people in love with submarines too, the real tiling or models, and he is an expert on a subject he has studied for many years. He is also a superb modeller, able to achieve any project regardless of complexity - and producing a U-Boat conning tower was to become a complex project! With so much riding on the project, it became clear that we at Andrea Miniatures would undertake the challenge of manufacturing a definitive study of a German U-Boat conning tower in 1:32 scale, considered the 'original' model soldier scale and still compatible, in any case, with 1:35 scale models and figures imposed upon everyone by the Japanese plastic kit industry. It took a year to see develop and produce the model, for which a special team was constituted for the project, involving the production of parts in the most diverse materials. A quality 'second to none' was required, which became a nightmare for Raul Gomez, the production manager at Andrea Studios.

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Military Miniatures in Review Vol.2 No.3

The R-40 is one of those odd birds from early World War II. It was a further development in the R-35 series and saw limited service in closing days of the battle for France. After the surrender, some vehicles saw service in the Wehrmacht, although photo reference is ultra rare. It's also conceivable that the French underground used some during the liberation (I suppose anything's possible—the underground actually built tanks at a tank factory right under the German's noses—but that's another story). Ever since seeing the Renault R-40 in Osprey Publishing's Polish Armour, I knew I had to have one. But being a lazy S.O.B. there was no way I was going to take a Heller R-35 and convert it. Even if I had been inclined to, the R-40 is one of those exceedingly rare vehicles that plans and information are very tough to find (anybody got any good Nimrod or Zrinyi plans?).

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Wing Masters No.35

Le kit a été entièrement revu par rapport à la première édition Hasegawa (qui n'était en fait que la reprise de la voilure de son ancien Fw 190A-8, avec un nouveau fuselage et des accessoires multimédias) notamment au niveau des ailes et des logements de train qui réservent bien des surprises agréables...Nous vous invitons donc à découvrir cette nouvelle maquette et saluons bien bas ce fabricant qui nous gâte vraiment ces temps-ci et participe avec talent à la redécouverte de cette échelle, autrefois bien couverte par Revell. Nous démarrons de manière inhabituelle le montage par les logements de train avec l'application d'un aluminium mat (RLM 01). Les renforts triangulaires sont gris foncé (RLM 66), les soufflets des canons MG 151 reçoivent un jus marron/noir sur une base marron/rouge comme le montrent les photos de la maquette en cours de montage. Les fûts de train sont en gris foncé (RLM 66) sur lesquels on ajoute une durit de frein en fil d'étain noir. Une des deux contrefiches est gris vert (RLM 02), détail témoignant du contexte difficile dans lequel ces machines étaient entretenues, très souvent avec des pièces récupérées sur des épaves.

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Military Modelling 1996-10

This model is intended to depict d'Hautpoul much as he would have appeared at the battle of Austerlitz, 2nd December 1805. He was fully involved in the decisive moment of the battle (often considered Napoleon's finest victory) when the Pratzen Heights were captured from the Austro-Russian army.When making Historex mounted figures in the past, I was always pretty happy with the horse, which if used in sensible combinations produced a more than satisfactory result. However, the figures could be rather more problematical, with the main problem being a stiffness which needed work to overcome. In this case, as d'Hautpoul wears a cuirass the problem was greatly minimised! I selected a pair of arms that produced a casual pose, one arm on hip, and the other simply holding the horse's reins. To further add a little subtle life to the piece, I angled the body and head slightly to one side to convey the idea that he had halted to survey the scene -perhaps the progress of his troops in battle.

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Military Miniatures in Review No.08

With the vaunted blitzkrieg tangled in the streets of Stalingrad, it became apparent that a weapon mounting a heavy gun capable of demolishing buildings and fortifications would be needed pronto. The resulting vehicle represented the third attempt to mount the very potent 15cm SIG 33 heavy infantry gun on a tank chassis. The other two attempts utilized the Pzkw. I & II in thinly armored open fighting compartments. Development of a new, more heavily armored vehicle began as early as July of 1941. Twelve examples of the initial version were completed in December 1941 and January 1942. On September 20,1942, Hitler ordered that 12 vehicles be made ready in 14 days for immediate use in the battle for Stalingrad. The original 12 vehicles were rebuilt, and 12 additional were constructed and sent to the front as part of an Infanteriegeshutz company in November 1942.

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Modelismo Aplicado - Pintura Figuras y Fantasia

Pintar una figura es una operación muy sencilla y al alcance de cualquier modelista a poca habilidad que tenga, pero este divertimento se está complicando a medida que avanza la técnica. Actualmente se puede elegir entre dos sistemas tradicionales: la luz general y la luz cenital. Es comprometido aconsejar cuál es la más idónea, el modelista ha de elegir según su preferencia. El concepto para la aplicación de luz general se basa en (a ¡dea de valles y cumbres. Imaginaros una figura como la estatua de la libertad tumbada, y supongamos que los valles son las zonas más profundas, donde el color deberá ser más oscuro y tendrá que ascender en curvas de nivel, como si de un mapa topográfico se tratará. Se irán produciendo tonos cada vez más claros, hasta llegar a la cumbre, área de máxima luz. Una iluminación de este tipo supondría que la luz estaría repartida de forma general y uniforme.

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Air Modeller No.30 (2010-06/07)

In 1942, after the country was bombed several times by Japanese aircraft operating from captured islands, the Australian government decided to order a fighter derived from the A 20 Wirraway to quickly counter any possible assault. This aircraft was to become the Boomerang. Despite its manoeuvrability, it was not a very efficient fighter, but was used successfully in ground support. A mix of Thunderbolt and egg plane, The Boomerang had been tackled by Limited which has released a very short run product. The Special Hobby version is superior in terms of details and engraving, but needs a few adjustments. This boomerang is very characteristic of recent Special Hobby products. Great care is taken with engraving and details while big adjustments are sometimes not obvious and require some experience. A very good kit, but more particularly suited to experience modellers.

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Military Miniatures in Review No.15

German armor freaks will undoubtedly have to have the entire set We eryoyed them all, hut highlights were the Panzer III and Light Panzer tapes. The German war photographers were at their most active during the period when these vehicles were most numerous, so the footage is elaborate and lengthy. The camera also loved the StuG, especially in the last year of the war, when it was often the only thing armored moving around on the battlefield. The Panzer IV is also excellent and includes ultra-rare color footage of a Panzer IV G on the eastern front. The heavy tank footage didn't quite have the diversity of these others but did make up for it with stuff like shots of a Sturmtiger in action in Warsaw. We recommend the entire series.

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Military Modelling 1997-12

SMA have added a WWII German DKW 125 motorbike to their range of 1:35 scale models. The German army made good use of motorcycles, but they were not all BMW or Zundapp 750s! A nice change, therefore, to see one of the smaller capacity bikes, which do seem common enough in photographs from the time. The model bike is made up from a number of good quality metal castings and clean up is fairly straightforward, there is an etched brass fret for the spokes, which have to be sandwiched between the metal tyre halves. Thin wire is also supplied to make up the various cables and an instruction sheet is included. The parts are fine and I used super glue for its assembly, rather than solder, for fear of damaging the parts. The end result is light enough to remain quite a strong assembly.

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Minitracks No.5

The First World War wide moving battles ended in the trenches by the last months of 1914, with their machine gun emplacements, barbed wire fields and heavy artillery, that all made any offensive too costly. Years were spent in this stalemate with huge human losses for the soldiers before a new arm was created in 1916 to reach a quick conclusion : the tank, invented in England as well as in France. Colonel Estienne was the first in France to design a tracked vehicle, armoured and fitted with weapons, able to move on battle torn ground and crushing all the obstacles it would meet. It was created to crack open the enemy lines and tear a gap through which the infantry and the cavalry would reopen a war of movement. On Estienne's indications, Ingenieur Brille (working for the Schneider firm) choose the Baby-Holt tractor of US origin to install an armoured body. After the failure of the Champagne offensive in December 1915, General Joffre found interest in this new weapon and authorized a contract for 400 of this tank to the Le Creusot factory in February 1916.

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Military Modelling 2007-03

There are not many kits of French armoured cars in any of the popular scales. In fact, there isn't much in the way of kits for French equipment at all, so this one from DES Resin is very welcome. Pre-war doctrine in the French Armée de Terre called for three classes of armoured car; for long-range reconnaissance the Auto Mitrailleuse de Découverte or AMD, for battlefield reconnaissance the Auto Mitrailleuse de Reconnaissance or AMR, and for combat the Auto Mitrailleuse de Combat or AMC. Confusingly, the same abbreviations were applied to tracked vehicles which most armies classes as light tanks. In December 1932 specifications were issued for a new AMD, requiring a range of 250 miles with a top speed of 45 mph and a 20mm main armament plus co-axial machine gun. The first attempt to meet these specifications was by modernizing the 1918 White armoured car, transferring its modified body and turret to a Laffly chassis with a 50 horsepower engine.

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Military Miniatures in Review No.17

The M6 antitank gun was derived from the 3-inch gun carriage Ml. Near the end of 1942, the United States took a 3-inch anti-aircraft tube and mated it with the 105mm howitzer carriage. These guns were used in all theaters of war, although they were best known for their use in and around Bastone during the Battle of the Bulge. They were quite cumbersome, but proved to be very effective. This gun was also modified to fit the 3-inch GMC, (Gun Motor Carriage) M10 Tank Destroyer. KMC's conversion is very impressive, as is most of their product line. Their delicate resin castings make me nervous every time I handle them. 1 am always impressed with how thin and to scale some of these pieces reallv are. This does not mean that this conversion was a breeze. There were some minor annoyances, hut I think this article and the accompanying photos will help clear those up. You will also need one Italeri 105mm howitzer M101 to mate with KMC's M6 conversion. I don't know how Italeri's 105 howitzer kit slipped past me through the years. After I looked over the details of the Italeri sprues I was truly impressed. This is one nice kit, right out of the box.

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Minitracks No.6

This tank was created through a common work, from July to November 1916, by the famous général Estienne and Louis Renault, a well-known manufacturer. The Général's conception was to provide escort to medium tanks and the infantry with great quantities of 'infantrymen under armour' and fitted with MGs, that could harass the enemy in any terrain. To achieve that, the tank had to be small, with just a two man crew (one driving, one manning the armament). To optimize the inside space, a crew compartment was created, separated from the rear located engine. The engine as itself a car one, saving much time in research and factory conversion, as it was already on the assembly lanes. The suspension was quite different from previous French offerings as it was enveloping and not situated under the hull as usual. The sprocket was at rear, and the wooden idler had a great diameter to easily overcome obstacles. An unditching tail was added to improve the trench crossing ability. There was only one MG, but housed in a fully revolving turret. It was later even possible to mount a short 37mm gun, modified to be operable by a lone crew.

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Wing Masters No.37

En 1942-1943 North American développe des versions d'assaut du Mitchell, les B-25G et H équipés d'un canon de 75 mm moins efficace qu'on ne l'espérait. Avec le B-25J, la firme revient à la formule du bombardier moyen en greffant un habitacle vitré, semblable à celui des modèles C et D, à une cellule identique à celle d'un B-25H. Les livraisons suivent l'envol du premier exemplaire le 14 décembre 1943. Une version d'assaut avec huit mitrailleuses de 12,7 mm dans une proue carénée est produite à 800 unités, un kit de modification est livré aux unités équipées de bombardiers; l'armement est exceptionnel pour un avion de cette catégorie. En août 1945 la production cesse du jour au lendemain: 72 engins terminés ne sont pas pris en compte.

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Modelismo Aplicado - Vehiculos Militares

Básicamente lodos los vehi culos militares tienen un proceso de montaje muy similar. Al abrir la caja, el principiante se encuentra con unas instrucciones más o menos claras y unas ban dejas o grapas donde vienen sujetas las piezas. El primer problema que aparece es cómo separarlas limpiamente, pues en ningún caso deben arrancarse con la mano, girando la pieza sobre sí misma, pues se corre el riesgo de estropearla al desgarrar parte de ella, hay varios sis temas para llevar a cabo ade cuadamente este proceso: se puede utilizar una cuchilla curva que corte poco a poco, aunque lo más conveniente son unas tijeri tas de punta bien afiladas o, como máximo, una tenaza de corte especial. Una vez desprendida la pieza, descubrimos un trocito sobrante proveniente de la unión, como una verruga de plástico, que se elimina cortándolo con una cuchilla. También con frecuen da. aunque la pieza esté bien inyectada, puede aparecer una ligera linea de plástico que sobre sale en el punto concreto de unión de los moldes, que, depen diendo de dónde esté situada la pieza en la maqueta, puede verse o quedar oculto.

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Wing Masters No.39

Ce dernier se révéla riche cependant en réalisations de grande qualité au 1/72 notamment, avec une hégémonie de thèmes militaires comme toujours. Le 1/32 qui a les faveurs des fabricants actuellement et dont les revues se font naturellement l'écho fut assez discret. La tendance cette année a été marquée par une ultrasophistication comme on l'a dit des maquettes à petite échelle en raison de la présence d'une délégation tchèque en particulier. L'on a pu également noter que les raffinements auxquels nous ont habitués les « peintres » espagnols se retrouvèrent sur quelques belles pièces au 1/48. Les Français se distinguèrent aussi en remportant des médailles, distinctions au sommet desquelles arriva un impressionnant CH-54A Skycrane au 1/48 en scratch.

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Modell Militar International No.03

Dragon Models muss dafür beglückwünscht werden, dass sie beständig ihre Modelle und deren Qualität verbessern - auch auf die Anfragen von den Modellbauern hin. Dieses Modell ist das neueste in der Linie der Sherman M4A2 (Sherman III)-Kits und repräsentiert "Clive", einen gut dokumentierten Panzer des dritten Bezirks der Londoner Yeomanry in seiner "leichten Matsch und schwarzen Camouflage"-Lackierung. Die größten Unterschiede zwischen diesem Baukasten und den früheren Versionen der "Welded Hood"-M4A2s besteht in der verstärkten Panzerung des Fahrerbereiches sowie des Motorbereiches, der nun die korrekte Anzahl an Gittern aufweist. Auch die Anbringung des Sonnenschildes weißt nun eine akkuratere Anzahl an Befestigungspunkten auf, zudem liegt nun ein hervorragendes Paar von Dragons Styrol-WD 212-Ketten hei.

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Minitracks No.7

After the Flers-Courcelette battle, where the Mark I appeared on the front in September 1916, it was decided to continue to use the new weapon called 'tank', but only after improving the model. So the already ordered next 100 exemplaries were modified and used in the British Army as the Mark IIs and Mark IIIs. The main change was to drop the rear wheels supposed to aid the steering but of not much use. The tanks were still under-armoured but were nonetheless launched in the inferno of the Ypres battle in April 1917. Meanwhile, under the guidance of Major Wilson and William Tritton, the Mark IV was designed incorporating many improvements. If the silhouette was familiar, with a rhomboid shape and side sponsons, the armour thickness was brought to 16 mm on the front and 8 mm on the sides and roof. On the male tanks, the 57mm gun barrel was shortened to improve the cross-country capability and 3 MGs were added for close protection. They were at first no more Hotchkiss but Lewis models, but those proved to produce too much smoke and the designers quickly reverted to Hotchkiss. The female were equipped with just 5 MGs.

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