Thursday, March 18, 2010

Euromodelismo 173

El primero de sus tres prototipos, el XB-29, voló el 21 de septiembre de 1942 y en tan sólo 20 meses el ES-29 se encontraba realizando su primera misión operativa, todo un récord en aquella época para un avión de sus características. Una vez completado su diseño y puesta en marcha su producción en serie, se construyeron nuevas plantas de fabricación y se creó la que llegó a ser la mayor red del mundo de subcontratas para proporcionar los materiales y equipos necesarios, así como un gigantesco programa de entrenamiento militar. La producción en serie del Superfortress se realizó en cuatro plantas: Boeing-Wichita (B-29-BW), Boeing-Renton (B-29A-BN), Martin-Omaha (B-29-MO) y Bell-Marietta (B-29-BA y B-29B-BA). Externamente no existían diferencias visibles entre los B-29 construidos por Boeing-Wichita, Martin y Bell con los B-29, construidos por Boeing-Renton; sin embargo y debido al diferente proceso de fabricación y ensamblaje de las alas con el fuselaje, estos últimos tenían un pie más de envergadura, diferencia que por sí sola justificaba una nueva designación: B-29A.

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Railroad Model Craftsman 2009 09

Goshen (above) is on the Erie Railroad mainline in Orange County, New York, and in 1910 it had a population 3,500. In what may be the author's favorite hotel postcard, we see the St. Elmo Hotel "complex" fronting on Grand Street and the Erie depot. The St. Elmo, with its fancy shaded-letter sign, mansard roof and generally grand facade, was quite an enterprise in the town of Goshen. The August, 1910, Sanborn map for Goshen shows the St. Elmo as having a bar room and reading room at one end, a formal dining room (with kitchen annex behind) in the center and leased space to the Post Office and the Goshen Democrat newspaper! Centerville, South Dakota (pop. 1,500 in Jan., 1912), was a Chicago & North Western town (below). The railroad served four elevators, two coal dealers and a small Standard Oil tank farm. In the heart of all this commercial activity was the Turner House Hotel. Located at the corner of Broadway and Railroad St., it looked directly across Broadway at the depot. The front steps spill onto Broadway, and the street beside the long axis of the building is Railroad St. The hotel had signage indicating it had a lunch room to serve transient railway passengers. The first floor entrance at the end of the porch is to the salesman's sample room (very convenient!). The architecture of this steam-heated, electrically-lighted little jewel is unique. The broad porches on two levels are ideal train-watching spots, and the railed "widow's walk" above the third floor is very unusual for a hotel.

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Model Military International 02 2009

This is definitely one of those projects that you can't rush, even if you try! This is actually quiet a daunting model to build, it's not the size of it that's intimidating, it's more a case of 'at which point do you start painting and how best to tackle it?' No matter how I looked at it, I couldn't seem to be able to figure out the 'at which point to paint' some of the many subassemblies, that once fixed in place would need to be re-painted due to the fact some of these parts would need a filling to get an invisible join! I can also see this model consuming rolls of masking tape and being very time consuming to mask. Do I paint the dark grey bits first, and then mask them off before adding the Schnellbootweiss to the rest of the model or should I do it the other way around? Anyway enough about worrying that, I still have an awful lot of boat to build before I even get to the painting stage.
I have thought long and hard about how best to review this model. At first I was going to write it as a standard format article, but realised it would turn into a bit of an epic and become very word heavy and could quite easily become very boring to read through. In the end I thought it best to deal with it as a large Tech Guide. We will cover over the next couple of issues, depending on how quickly I can actually finish itf because I'm far from that stage at the moment!

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