Friday, April 30, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Aviones de Coleccion
La papir of lexia es el arte del plegado del papel y, aunque su origen es japonés, a lo largo de los años se ha convertido en una afición difundida en todo el mundo llegando a formar parte de la cultura popular de muchos países. ¿Quién no recuerda haber plegado avioncitos en mitad de clase? Quizá su éxito resida en todos los valores que se esconden detrás de cada pliegue del papel. No sólo es una actividad divertida y barata, sino que tiene un alto valor pedagógico, ya que ayuda a desarrollar la inteligencia espacial, a comprender conceptos geométricos y a mejorar la habilidad manual. Debido a la difusión mundial de la papiroflexia, existen multitud de libros. Entre ellos podemos encontrar muchos dedicados a los aviones de papel en los que se prima el vuelo en detrimento del diseño realista. No hay tantas publicaciones que se centren en reproducir al detalle los modelos reales. Este libro presenta aviones de papel que no vuelan, pero que su principal valor reside en la veracidad de su diseño. Da esto prueba una vez más de que con la papiroflexia podemos conseguir cualquier figura sin tener que recurrir a las tijeras o al pegamento.
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Model Aircraft Monthly 2002-01
The Fiat G.91 was designed to fulfil a NATO specification, issued in December 1953, for a light tactical strike fighter capable of operating from rough forward airstrips. Eight designs were submitted and four aircraft, including the Fiat G.91, were ordered in prototype form. The G.91, designed by Ing Guiseppe Gabrielli, made its first flight on August 9th, 1956 and emerged the winner in the competition against three French aircraft. The aircraft had more than a passing resemblance to the North American F-86 Sabre and went on to prove to be an efficient and useful addition to the air forces of Italy, Germany and Portugal. Italy operated ninety-eight single-seat G.91R and seventy-six of the two-seat G.91T trainer version which first flew on May 31st, 1960, while the Luftwaffe used 394 of the R variant and 44 of the trainer version. 294 were built by a consortium comprising Messerschmitt, Dornier and Heinkel. In addition the Italian national aerobatic team the Pattuglia Acrobatica Nazionale flew the G.91 PAN for many years.
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Modelismo Aplicado - Aviones
Las maquetas de aviones vienen siendo desde hace muchos años centro de atención y esfuerzo de un buen número de fabricantes. La evolución ha sido constante, de lo que pueden dar buena cuenta aquéllos que lleven mucho tiempo, quienes aún podrán recordar, o incluso poseer, ejemplares de las primeras maquetas de la mitica firma Frog, la que apareciera en la temprana época de los años cuarenta. Posteriormente pugnarían Lindberg, Revell, Aurora o Airfix, en los años cincuenta, por hacerse con el mercado, en un principio con escalas heterogéneas, con poco criterio de unificación, aunque normalizándolas después, poco a poco, en la escala 1/72, que por mucho tiempo seria la reina de la especialidad de las firmas inglesas. Con el devenir de los tiempos se abriría paso, de forma imparable, la escala 1/48, quedando otras más grandes, como la 1/32 o la 1/24, prácticamente como un mero testimonio. Las mmaquetas representan dos grandes tendencias: los clásicos de la II Guerra Mundial y los modernos reactores, aunque últimamente también comienzan a incorporarse otros pertenecientes a la época de Corea y, cómo no, los pioneros de la I Guerra Mundial.
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Modell Fan 2006-12
Ohne Zweifel gehört die Lockheed F-l 6 zu den erfolgreichsten Kampfflugzeugen aller Zeiten. Obwohl bereits seit 30 Jahren produziert, ist das Ende ihrer Herstellung noch nicht erreicht und die Liste der Anwenderstaaten wird immer länger. Unser Nachbarland Polen wird in wenigen Wochen seine erste von 48 F-16CJ erhalten. Um so mehr war es unverständlich, dass es sehr lange gedauert hat, bis ein zeitgemäßer Bausatz einer F-l6 in 1:32 erschienen ist. Vor zwei Jahren haben sich dann mit Tamiya und Academy gleich zwei Hersteller der späten Version F-16CJ in 1:32 gewidmet. Die F-16CJ stellt eine spezialisierte Version dar, die primär in der „Wild Weasel" Rolle eingesetzt wird, also dem Ausschalten der gegnerischen Luftabwehr. Nach dem ersten Blick in den Karton war ich schon total begeistert. Der Karton ist randvoll mit absolut sauber gespritzten Teilen in hellgrauem Polystyrol. Separat verpackt in einer kleineren Schachtel befinden sich die Klarsichtteile (Kabinenhaube glasklar und getönt als Option), Fotoätzteile, Fahrwerksteile aus Weißmetall, Gummireifen und Schrauben. Eine Besonderheit bietet Tamiya mit der Option das Triebwerk im ausgebauten Zustand auf einem Transportwagen darzustellen.
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Modell Militar International No.01
Der neueste Komplett-Bausatz von SKP ist der A30 Challenger. Der Challenger war das Resultat der Notwendigkeit den britischen Mk VIII, a.k a. Cromwell, im Kampfwert zu steigern. Neben dem deutlich größeren Turm, der nötig war, um die schwerere Kanone aufzunehmen, ist der Challenger auch ein gutes Stück länger im Vergleich zum Cromwell, da das Laufwerk ein sechstes Laufrad spendiert bekam. Grund war eine verlängerte Kette, um die Bodenaufstandsfläche zu vergrößern - dies war wegen des gesteigerten Gewichts des Panzers notwendig geworden. Der Challenger wurde vor allem in Nordwest-Europa eingesetzt, aber die gesamte Serie wurde zunächst wieder zurückgezogen, nachdem bekannt wurde, dass es Haltbarkeitsprobleme am Laufwerk gab. Im Herbst 1944 kehrte der A30 nach Nachbesserungen zurück und wurde vor allem in Rcgimcnten mit Cromwell-Ausstattung eingesetzt. Auch wenn die Silhouette recht auffallig war, zeigte sich der Challenger niedriger als ein Sherman.
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Sky Model No.26
Già agli inizi del 1940 apparve chiaro che I'SM 79, impiegato come bombardiere dai reparti della Regia, avesse dei limiti imposti dal suo essere un velivolo di estrazione civile, per cui era necessario un velivolo che, pur mantenendo in comune con il predecessore alcune caratteristiche progettuali, avesse però un preciso impiego militare. Ed in effetti il prototipo nato dallo "Sparviero" venne denominato SM 79 bis e come uniche varianti presentava la coda bideriva e motori potenziati. Il primo aereo di preserie, MM 22395, compie il primo volo il 5 giugno 1940 e, praticamente sulla carta, ne vengono ordinati ben 246 esemplari. Nel frattempo viene modificata la nomenclatura per cui si parla di SM 84, sigla già impiegata nel 1935 per indicare lo sfortunato concorrente del FIAT G 18 per un aereo passeggeri da 20 posti. Purtroppo la nuova macchina si dimostrò inefficace e neanche il successivo sviluppo, denominato "SM 84bis", con nuovi motori (3 Piaggio PXI RC 40 da 1000 CV l'uno), cellula appesantita da blindature varie e incidenza alare con diedro positivo, si dimostrò all'altezza della situazione, per cui l'aereo, dopo infauste esperienze sia come bombardiere che come silurante, terminerà la sua carriera, alla data dell'armistizio, nel 132° gruppo trasporti.
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Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Scale Aviation Modeller International 2006-08
What is the most important British aircraft type ever flown by the Royal Air Force? Spitfire? Hunter? Hamer? In my view it has to be the Canberra. As I write, the type is in its final few months of squadron service with the RAF, but will soldier on with some foreign users for a few more years. This will mean the Canberra has been in service for over 55 years, and it is only being retired now because of the difficulties faced in maintaining such a genatric airframe, not because a modem, more capable replacement is available. Thus a major disappointment for many modellers has been the lack of kits of the Canberra, despite its worldwide usage. In 1/72 there is the elderly Airfix kit (and an even older — now hugely priced collectable — from FROG), and a limited-run kit by High Planes. In 1/48 scale there were no kits at all until Aeroclub produced their superb multi-media offering, but the vacform parts scared off many modellers, this writer included.
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Monday, April 26, 2010
Wargames Illustrated 065
During the Seven Years War the British wished to overthrow completely the influence of France in the "New World". In 1759 Louisbourg had fallen to the British and the Redcoats continued their war of conquest by laying plans for the swift seizure of the city of Quebec, which dominated the St. Lawrence River. Learning of the British plans, the French commander, the Marquis de Montcalm, organised a force of 14,000 assorted regulars, Canadians and Indians for the defence of the city. But Montcalm did not have a free hand, due to the interfering Governor General of Quebec, the Marquis de Vaudreuil, who wanted to command the army himself and mistrusted the sophisticated and experienced general from France. Strained relations also existed on the British side between the Commander-in-Chief, General James Wolfe, and his leading brigadiers, Murray, Monkton and Townshend. The last named general was a gifted cartoonist who openly lampooned his chief. The slightly built and ailing Wolfe tended to keep his plans to himself and rarely shared information with his subordinate commanders.
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Wargames Illustrated 063
In creating our miniature armies we go to a lot of trouble. We spend money that our better halves assure us would be more productively spent on wallpaper for the spare bedroom, we devote hours to researching the uniforms, the organisation, the weaponry, and the tactics, and take meticulous care in painting our microcosmic offspring. We then take them to the club, throw a few bits of terrain on the table, line them up and issue the general order "Kill". It always strikes me as such a waste, all that research to produce a game that often resembles chess more than any military operation. Whilst initially enjoyable, this type of game can swiftly become repetitious, and even boring. In Kriegspiel von Reisswitz states that "the umpire has responsibility for devising a situation which is of a realistic and interesting nature, and which will permit the possibility of either side winning". So how do we achieve this goal? Fortunately the answer is, with relative ease. A little more time and effort given to preparation can make all the difference.
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Wargames Illustrated 060
During and after the Vietnam War the US Army carried out a number of behavioural studies of soldiers in combat situations. These studies have ranged from investigating the behaviour of troops in actual combat, to controlled experiments where ''guinea pigs" are placed in "near combat" conditions to compare their actions with controls. A number of conclusions have been drawn from this work, some of which are not obvious. They show just how ineffective the average soldier can be and how totally untrue the Hollywood image of supermen who advance without fear and hit every target actually is. At a serious level these studies have influenced low level organisation of Western armies, most notably dividing rifle sections into fire teams. They also provide raw material for writers of small action wargame rules.
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Wargames Illustrated 056
Kursk was the major tank battle of the Second World War and provides the perfect setting for a mini campaign based on Major General F.W. von Mellenthin's book Panzer Battles in which the offensive and defensive actions of the XLVIII Panzer Corps at Kursk over the period 7 to 17 July are described. The aim of this mini campaign is to provide an easy, workable game which captures the flavour of the time without becoming too bogged down in detail. It is in a modular form and is played out on a table 5' x 5' with each side set victory conditions so that a winner or loser in each module can be assessed. In each module the German player must fulfil a specific condition for play to advance to the next module. Failure to meet the condition means that the module must be replayed; this probably means that the initial assault force was not strong enough, but will mean that valuable time has been lost. It is intended that the German is the main player and that the Soviet forces are controlled by an umpire, or the German player if playing solo, and they are therefore activated by a series of event cards.
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Sunday, April 25, 2010
Wing Masters No.32
Ce fut dans un cadre très «seventies» d'un grand hôtel au charme un peu suranné et « bucarestien » que fut organisée, tant bien que mal, une exposition qui réunit amateurs de blindés, de figurines, de Science-Fiction et, bien sûr, d'avions. Le temps d'un week-end, les quelques centaines de pièces, dont pas loin de 200 pour les aéronefs uniquement, furent installées, photographiées, soulevées, «flairées», jugées, primées ou vouées aux gémonies, avant d'être enfin laissées à l'appréciation du public qui répondit assez nombreux à l'appel des organisateurs. Hormis quelques péripéties, comme le coma têtu d'une prise de courant qui transforma la séance photo du vendredi soir en stage linguistique où Français, Espagnols, Italiens, et d'autres encore, jouèrent mi-figue, mi-raisin, au Cluedo pour « coincer » le prétendu photographe amateur coupable de la panne, quelques bonnes dizaines de minutes au bain marie dans une pièce bondée lors de l'inscription des pièces, et un éclairage très moyen, aussi bien pour les professionnels que pour les visiteurs les samedi et dimanche, cette cinquième édition du « World Expo » après Washington, Paris, Torontos et Glasgow, fut à n'en pas douter un rendez-vous significatif de la vitalité du monde de la Miniature.
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Steel Art No.08
Il carro Type 89 "Otsu", proposto dalla giapponese Gumka in scala 1/35, rappresenta uno dei soggetti più attesi dagli appassionati di veicoli delle Forze Armate Imperiali Nipponiche. Si tratta di un kit in multimedia, composto da parti strutturali in resina, cingoli in plastica ad iniezione ed accessori in metallo bianco e fotoincisione. Il Type 89 non è un soggetto molto conosciuto, per cui necessita di un'adeguata fase di ricerca e studio; una volta superata la quale, il lavoro procede speditamente. Non si tratta di un kit per modellisti alle prime armi, dato che l'assemblaggio richiede la conoscenza delle tecniche fondamentali per la lavorazione di diversi materiali, ognuno dei quali necessita di particolori attenzioni per quanto riguarda la pulizia e l'incollaggio dei pezzi. Non potendo ricorrere alla normale colla per plastica ho utilizzato adesivi cianoacrilici ed epossidici a due componenti, a seconda della tenuta richiesta e della rapidità d'essiccazione necessaria. Dopo avere studiato attentamente il manuale, ho deciso di apportare alcune modifiche all'ordine suggerito dalle istruzioni. Lo scafo è stato assemblato per primo, effettuando numerose prove a secco onde evitare problemi con i successivi passaggi ed individuare immediatamente le parti da modificare o ricostruire; durante queste prove può risultare utile l'uso di nastro adesivo, per tenere uniti i pezzi, senza sporcarli ne danneggiarli.
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Modell Panorama 2010-02
1942 begann man in den USA mit der Entwicklung einer Flakhalbkette auf Basis des M14. Die Flak bestand aus zwei .50 cal (12,7 mm) MGs in einer drehbaren Lafette. Diese und andere Entwürfe wurden schlussendlich 1943 im „Ml6 Halftrack Multiple-Gun Motor Carriage with M45 Maxson .50 cal MG quad" mit vier MGs zusammengeführt. Abgesehen davon, dass M16 auf Basis verschiedener Fahrgestelle gebaut wurden, gab es auch noch je nach Hersteller geringe Unterschiede. (International Harvester, White, Diamond T, Autocar). Eine sehr komplexe Angelegenheit also, deren genauere Ausführung den Rahmen dieses Heftes bei weitem sprengen würde. Der M16 war bei den amerikanischen Truppen auch in Korea im Einsatz. Mangels Luftzielen wurde das Fahrzeug vermehrt gegen infanteristische Ziele eingesetzt und bekam den grimmigen Beinamen „the meat chopper". Wer z.B. beim österreichischen Bundesheer Schießausbildung am 12,7mm üsMG genossen hat, der kann sich ja ungefähr ausmalen, was diese Feuerkraft x4 zu zerstören vermag.
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Euromodelismo - Panzer Aces No.1
Equipado con cuarenta y cinco carros de combate pesados Tiger I E, el entrenamiento del personal del batallón comenzó en Sennelager, concluyendo las prácticas en Mailly le Camp, Francia. A finales de octubre la unidad fue embarcada en un convoy ferroviario con destino a Lemberg. Una vez allí, recorrió por carretera los trescientos kilómetros que la separaban del área de Fatowez, donde tomaría contacto con el enemigo en el mes de noviembre. Los duros combates se prolongaron hasta finalizar el año. en las inmediaciones de Zitomir. En los primeros meses de 1944 fueron especialmente destacables las acciones para proteger los puentes sobre el río Bug, que tuvieron lugar en Sasslaw (febrero) y en torno a Sawniza (marzo).
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FineScale Modeler 2010-05
Like the Bismarck and Arizona, Japan's battleship Yamato is a perennial favorite of modelers. Fujimi recently released a kit (No. 610009) that's perfect for Yamato fans who like something bigger than 1/700 scale but don't have the room for 1/350 or 1/200 scale battleships. At 1/500 scale, the Yamatos hull, molded in sturdy, thick plastic, measures more than 20" long. Fujimi includes a bunch of braces for the hull that should make the structure very solid. The scale fidelity of the parts is fine, with thin railings and space between the anti-aircraft gun barrels. The basic kit includes turned-brass barrels for the main guns and clear parts for the floatplanes and searchlights. In addition, Fujimi released a premium photoetched-metal detail set (No. 112374) including railings, catapults, textured decks, and barrels for secondary armament. To further enhance the model, Fujimi offers a self-adhesive, die-cut wood deck with plank detail (No. 112381). Distributed in the U.S. by Dragon Models USA, the Yamato retails for $179.95.The detail sets are available separately; $89.95 for the photoetched metal, $79.95 for the deck.
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Thursday, April 22, 2010
Famous Fighters to Color, Cut Out & Fly
Commander David McCampbell led a flight of six U.S. Hellcats against a Japanese force of twenty bombers and forty fighters. It was October 24, 1944, just tour days after the American invasion of the Philippines, and McCampbell knew that the Japanese planes must not reach the American fleet supporting the invasion. Sending four of his Hellcats after the bombers, he and his wingman. Roy Rushing. took on the forty Zeros. When the combat was done, McCampbell had downed nine Zeros. Rushing scored six. and the enemy force was dispersed, lacking fuel for further battle. By the war's end McCampbell had 34 kills to his credit as the top U.S. Navy Ace. Robert S. Johnson of the 8th Air Force was thought to have been the first American to top Eddie Rick en backer's World War I score of 26 victories. It turned out that Richard Bong had accomplished the feat a few months earlier in the Pacific. By war's end Johnson shared top ace honors for the European conflict with Colonel Francis S. Gahreski, each with 28.
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Model Aircraft Monthly 2002-04
The June 1986 issue of Scale Models carried a useful article on converting KP's MiG-19 kit into its radical Chinese development, the Nanchang A-5 Fantan-A attack aircraft. Progressive upgrading has brought the Fantan up to A-5C standard, an example of which was displayed at the Paris Air Show by the China National Aero-Technology Import and Export Corporation (CATIC). I therefore seized on this opportunity to provide a detailed reference of this improved jet, parts of which (undercarriage, etc) are still applicable to the MiG-19 from which it originated. Much confusion has reigned over the designation of this ingenious extrapolation ever since the West caught sight of it in the late seventies; development must have been decidedly low-key as the initial flight took place as long ago as June 1965! Originally, and erroneously, described as the F-9 by Western sources, the designation was changed to F-6bis when its relationship to the Shenyang F-6 (MiG-19 copy) was established, until the true title of Q-5 was revealed to a group of industrialists visiting China's Nanchang factory, where production was under way. Q stands for Qiang which translates at Attack, hence the export label of A-5.
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Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Air Modeller 16
During the last months of the WWII, the chaotic situation of the German war effort due to the bombing campaign, damages on the industrial network, loss of territory and pressure after several years of heavy fighting meant the appearance of Luftwaffe aircraft changed a lot compared to the very clean and "serious" look of the early war. The main reason for these changes was the need to de-centralize aircraft production, with different parts of the airplane manufactured in a different factories and also pre-painted in different ways using different raw materials and colours. At same time in order to save time and take into account the very short life of combat aircraft, the need for camouflaged areas was less important on the undersides. With the need to survive the hordes of strafing allied air forces the upper surface camouflage had to be maintained as much as possible. Additionally new colours used due to this chaotic situation could appear on areas areas of the planes.
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Air Modeller 29
To begin, the first thing I did was to mark with pencil lines all the rivet lines on the aircraft and to then add the rivets following these lines with a rivetting tool. The Spitfire has many rivets but its not too difficult to do, It only requires a good dose of patience and keeping in mind the finished result. Upon finishing this. I moved onto the interior, and as I remarked in the introduction, the cockpit in resin Is excellent, but I wanted to go a little further and as I love to do interiors I set out to add the interior of the fuselage structure and the cameras. To do this it is advisable to have proper reference which Is not too difficult to find due to the popularity of the plane. Evergreen rods were used to add the interior ribs taking care to check the alignment between the two halves of the fuselage. The cameras were constructed from plastic sheet and rod. Then I just had to assemble the pieces of the resin cockpit and add to it a small console on one side which is what controls the cameras. Before all this, I had already marked the outlines of the access covers for the cameras and battery, and opened them up to show the interior. New covers were made from plastic working from my references. The rudder is also requires a small correction to its tip which needs to be more pointed, for this version of the Mk.XI. This can be done without much difficulty with a piece added and then sanded to shape.
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The Gloster & AW Meteor - A Comprehensive Guide for the Modeller
The development of turbine engines in England began during the mid-twenties, when Rolls-Royce was considering an axial flow turbine to drive a propeller in 1926. W.C. Clothier carried out tests on a single-stage compressor and a single-stage turbine the following year. No more serious investigations and studies were conducted in this area for several years, until Frank Whittle provided the necessary drive to bring the jet engine into practical reality. Whittle had begun thinking about gas turbines in 1929, taking out his first patent on 16th January 1930. It was only six years later that his dream began to materialise, having gained the financial support of O.T. Falk & Company, when Power Jets Ltd was incorporated in March 1936 with an authorised capital of 10,000.
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The Supermarine Spitfire Part 1 Merlin Powered - A Comprehensive Guide for the Modeller
The Type 224 first flew in February 1934, and was christened the 'Spitfire' some time before July 1935. An aircraft of all metal construction, the Type 224 was a cranked, low-winged monoplane, sporting a fixed undercarriage in spatted fairings. The engine chosen was the Rolls-Royce Goshawk, which was capable of producing 660 hp. Incorporated into the design was a newly developed evaporation coolant system, which did not turn out to be the success hoped, as the engine was always prone to overheating when in flight. Unfortunately for Vickers Supermarine, their tender for the specification was not chosen, the winners being Gloster with their biplane design, the SS.37, which entered service with the RAF as the Gladiator. Only one example of the Type 224 was built. Given the serial number K2890, it was finally put out to grass at the target range at Orfordness, where it was used as a ground firing target.
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Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Scale Aviation Modeller International 1998-07
The kit comes in light grey plastic and although there's a little flash on some of the larger components, the mouldings are very crisp. There is a good level of engraved detail, even for the cockpit and armaments, plus recessed panel lines. The small canopy for this single-seat Shturmovik is excellent and very finely moulded. The instructions, in Ukrainian, English and German, begin with a short aircraft history and technical details, followed by a sprue diagram for numbering the parts. The instructions indicate that some of the smaller sub-assembles, propeller, cockpit, undercarriage and weapons, should be completed first. The main page consists of a large, clear exploded diagram. The last three pages are given over to camouflage and decal instructions.
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Scale Aviation Modeller International 1999-04
This is a new kit of the French Army version of the Eurocopter Tiger, the HAP 'Gerfaut' battlefield helicopter. It is moulded in light grey plastic with no flash, but prominent mould lines need to be removed. There are some fine panel lines along the main fuselage, but there arc also rows of oversized rivets on the tail boom and around the cockpit. The sprues include the HOT and Mistral missiles and the 20mm chin-mounted machine gun found on the French version, as well as the mast-mounted sight and Trigat missile system, suggesting there may be a follow-up kit of the German PAH 2 version planned. The instructions consist of a single A3 sheet folded into a four-page booklet. The front page shows the layout of the decal sheet and the positioning of all the decals common to all versions. The interior pages give a useful sprue plan, the colour scheme options and the positions of the decals specific to them. The painting guide gives the relevant numbers for Humbrol enamels, but there are no equivalent 'FS' or 'BS' colour references given. The back page covers construction
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Sky Model No.25
Il problema principale è dovuto all'inserto centrale con la sede della torretta, la scatola prevede i diversi tipi di torretta montati secondo le versioni, il guaio è che questi inserti non combaciano assolutamente! Un lungo lavoro con lime, plasticard e colla cianoacrilica risolverà il problema, inutile dire che gran parte delle pannellature della fusoliera centrale scompariranno. Ora è il momento di chiudere le due semifusoliere, prima bisogna fare i fori per i perni delle ali e incollare alcune strisce di plasticard all'interno delle zone di giunzione delle semifusoliere per facilitare l'incollaggio e l'allineamento delle parti. La reincisione è stata anche l'occasione per aggiungere alcune pannellature e toglierne altre, specialmente sulle cofanature motore, su queste parti la Special Hobby ha seguito i piani in scala di Warpaint, sicuramente errati in molte linee di pannellature; basta osservare qualche foto con attenzione per notare che le cofanature dei motori sono divise solo in 3 grandi elementi e che molte linee sono assenti sul modello. Gli Short Run hanno generalmente una plastica morbida e per reincidere penso che un ago lavori meglio del classico incisore Tamiya, che tende a saltare.
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Super Model 2009 01
Zestaw zawiera 147 części z szarego polistyrenu, z których do budowy modelu samolotu w wersji F-16A użyjemy tylko 135, oraz trzy części przezroczyste. Dwa elementy osłony kabiny pilota i ekran przezierny wyświetlacza HUD (Fot. 1 do 5). Kadłub jak we wszystkich znanych mi modelach F-16 podzielony jest poziomo i odlany integralnie ze skrzydłami i statecznikami poziomymi. Linie podziałowe są wgłębne. Podwieszenia to trzy zbiorniki paliwa, zasobnik zakłócający ALQ-119 i rakiety klasy powietrze-powie-trze. Dwie wersje Sidewinderów odpowiadające wyglądem AIM-9H i AIM-9L/M oraz cztery pociski AIM-120A/B AMRAAM. Alternatywne części dają możliwość zbudowania modelu w standardowej amerykańskiej wersji statecznika, wersji eksportowej z przedłużonym zasobnikiem mieszczącym spadochron hamujący i wariantu obrony powietrznej ADF.
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Super Model 2009-02
Ten niezwykle popularny czołg doczekał się wielu zestawów w różnych skalach. Jednym z nich jest model o numerze 337 przygotowany przez ukraińską firmę UM; firmę, która zrobiła dużą serię tego typu czołgów. Uważam, że zestaw ten jest też dobrym przykładem dla całej serii modeli T34 i dział Su - firmy UM. W niewielkim pudełku, w typowej oprawie graficznej dla tego wydawnictwa znajdują się cztery ramki z częściami modelu wykonanymi z plastiku, dwie gumowe - z bandażami kół i linami (szkoda, że bez faktury splecionej liny). Ponadto znajdziemy jedną małą blaszkę z fo-totrawioną siatką nad wentylatorem, ładną piłę i element osłony karabinu maszynowego. Części są bardzo precyzyjnie odlane w plastiku, nie ma na nich nadlewek. Niestety, w opisywanym przeze mnie zestawie jedno z kół napędowych jest lekko zdeformowane. Trudno ocenić, czy ta wada dotyczy wszystkich zestawów. Opisywany zestaw proponuje 5 wzorów malowania, co podnosi atrakcyjność całości. Instrukcja bardzo czytelna, prosta.
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Saturday, April 17, 2010
Steel Art No.67
Aveva la cassa di tipo standardizzato con differenti tipi di motorizzazione e venne progettata come multiruolo; la velocità era di 30 o 60 km/h in base alla versione. Il colore originale era il verde militare. Queste locomotive erano caratterizzate da accorgimenti costruttivi e allestimenti spartani e robusti; erano dotate di una cabina di guida all'estremità posteriore e di un grande cofano motore. Presentavano un carro a passo rigido montato su 3 assi, con ruote accoppiate mediante una biella mossa da un asse cieco (un asse motore dotato di manovella e contrappeso, privo di ruote e posto fra il secondo e il terzo asse). Il motore, Deutz o Krupp a 16 cilindri in linea, erogava una potenza sufficiente all'effettuazione di tradotte e manovre. La trasmissione era di tipo idraulico Voith. L'identificazione WR 360 C 14 derivava dalle seguenti convenzioni dell'epoca: "W" identificava le locomotive utilizzate dalla Wehrmacht; "R" (Regelspur) si riferiva allo scartamento normale da 1435 mm (in contrapposizione allo scartamento ridotto); il numero "360" specificava la potenza del motore in German Horse Power (PS, con 1 PS = 0.736 kW); "C" serviva a specificare il numero di assi (3); il numero 14 rappresentava il carico per asse in tonnellate metriche.
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Steel Art No.58
Il kit è una referenza della francese JMP, in stucco ceramico scomposto in due metà. L'ottima parte inferiore non ha subito modifiche, a differenza di quella superiore, contraddistinta da una testurizzaziorie troppo accentuata, che è stata debitamente lisciata e migliorata. Ho quindi costruito una scaletta in filo di rame, forando un lato della costruzione con un minitrapano e sistemando i predellini, per poi simulare i fili elettrici e quelli del telefono da campo lungo il cielo del bunker. Il basamento della Flak ha ricevuto una griglia antiscivolo realizzata con un disco in plasticai e tulle da bomboniera. Prima di chiudere il tutto ho iniziato la colorazione, applicando una base di Dark Yellow e una mano di grigio medio diluito su tutto il modello. Per enfatizzarne la profondità, le superfici hanno ricevuto un primo lavaggio di nero ad olio; gli interni sono stati quindi rifiniti a drybrush, utilizzando una miscela di bianco e Uniform Japones Vallejo, per far risaltare i dettagli. Il bunker è ricco di nicchie, e la più grande, posta al centro, è stata dettagliata con un tavolo, una sedia, il telefono da campo e una lampadina, purtroppo invisibili a modello finito, mentre nelle altre ho sistemato alcuni accessori dipinti in precedenza.
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Steel Art No.07
Con la perdita della superiorità aerea, la Wehrmacht si vide costretta a fornire un'adeguata protezione dai cacciabombardieri alle proprie formazioni corazzate; numerose furono le soluzioni proposte e questo veicolo dall'aspetto bizzarro fu una delle più riuscite. Si inizia il lavoro assottigliando con carta abrasiva e limette i vari pezzi del kit sovradimensionati. Le scudature abbattibili che proteggono l'arma e l'equipaggio sono state migliorate con la sostituzione dei fermi e degli anelli che le tengono in posizione chiusa; le relative parti del kit sono state sostituite con particolari realizzati in tondino di ottone da 0,5 mm. L'antisdrucciolo che copre i parafanghi è stato asportato e rimpiazzato con lastre fotoincise; anche i supporti per attrezzi e dotazioni di bordo, sono stati sostituiticon accessori in fotoincisione, di produzione Aber. Per rompere la monotonia della sovrastruttura squadrata è stata aperta una delle piccole feritoie circolari laterali; è stato necessario rimuovere completamente il dettaglio stampato, praticare il corrispondente foro con una punta di diametro adeguato ed infine ricostruire il piccolo portello con un dischetto di plasticard. I bordi delle scudature sono stati testurizzati con una lama da bisturi nuova e ben affilata, per riprodurre la texture del metallo tagliato con cannello ossia-cetilenico e non rifinito.
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Steel Art No.06
Al momento della spartizione della Cecoslovacchia, le fabbriche Skoda, il secondo arsenale dell'Europa centrale, passarono in mano alla Germania, per conto della quale produssero, dall'agosto del 1938 al settembre del 1939, una quantità d'armi pari a quella dell'intera industria bellica britannica. Con queste parole Sir Winston Churchill riassunse, nelle sue memorie, il danno subito dagli Alleati con gli Accordi di Monaco, a seguito dei quali la Cecoslovacchia fu sacrificata in nome di una pace impossibile. Prima della guerra, le fabbriche Skoda realizzavano prodotti d'alta qualità, tra cui gli ottimi carri armati LT vz35 e LT 38, denominati rispettivamente Pz.Kpfw 35(t) e Pz.Kpfw 38(t), e ponti corazzati per portaerei, tra cui quello della britannica HMS Ark Royal. Tra i veicoli ruotati prodotti dalle efficienti officine cecoslovacche c'erano la 952 Kabrio e relative varianti. L'elevata qualità del veicolo fece si che la sua intera produzione fosse destinata alle Algemeine SS ed alle Waffen-SS, come vettura personale per gli ufficiali superiori oppure come veicolo comando.
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Steel Art No.05
Il kit del Cruiser MK IV è in resina e comprende soltanto la parte superiore dello scafo con la torretta; non trattandosi di un modello eccelso, sono stati necessari alcuni interventi di miglioria e dettaglio. Il lavoro vero e proprio ha avuto inizio con la ricostruzione di tutte le pannellature e griglie presenti sullo scafo. Per questa operazione ho preferito utilizzare del lamierino in ottone dello spessore di 0,20mm invece del solito plasticard in quanto, durante una prova, ho notato delle deformazioni, probabilmente dovute al collante utilizzato. Le cerniere e le maniglie dei portelli sono state riprodotte con filo elettrico e completate con bullonature e rinforzi in plastica provenienti da vari kit. Ai lati della torretta ho ricostruito i dispositivi lanciafumogeni, utilizzando segmenti di tubo d'ottone, completati dai congegni di scatto provenienti dai fucili britannici Lee Enfield e dai cavetti in filo in rame. Sul cielo della torretta è stato ricostruito il caratteristico longherone in rilievo, mentre sullo scudo del cannone è stato necessario rifare la piccola piastra di protezione che chiude parzialmente il foro per la mitragliatrice ed i relativi quattro bulloni. Al riflettore della cupola del capocarro ho aggiunto i cavi elettrici e la maniglia per il puntamento; per simulare il vetro ho utilizzato una lente per automodelli, applicata al faro stesso, svuotato per ricreare la parabola. All'interno dei portelloni della cupola ho modellato l'imbottitura con il Milliput, mentre la canna è in alluminio della Jordi Rubio.
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Steel Art No.04
Il peso di 57t faceva di questo carro una macchina da combattimento di tutto rispetto, anche se piagata da numerosi inconvenienti. La torretta poteva essere ruotata solo su terreno piano e l'ottica di puntamento era di qualità scadente; lo scarso addestramento degli equipaggi causò la perdita di molti mezzi. La produzione di questa mostruosità corazzata fu interrotta nel 1941 in favore di veicoli più leggeri e più rapidi da costruire. Ciononostante furono realizzati pochi esemplari di una seconda versione, denominata KV II B, caratterizzata dalla piastra frontale della torretta inclinata, dal portello del capocarro in due battenti e dall'eliminazione della mitragliatrice frontale. Nel complesso le modifiche apportate non rappresentavano alcun miglioramento. Nonostante i vari difetti, il KV II pose alcuni problemi alla Wehrmacht nelle fasi iniziali dell'Operazione Barbarossa; la maggior parte delle unità controcarro era dotata di PaK (Panzerabwehrkanone) da 3,7cm o da 5cm. In particolare, il PaK 3,7cm non era in grado di arrecare alcun danno al KV II nemmeno a distanza ravvicinata! Una volta adattato il fantastico cannone contraereo da 8,8cm alla funzione controcarro, il KV II perse la propria invulnerabilità.
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Steel Art No.03
Il treno di rotolamento è stato dettagliato con la sostituzione di alcune parti con altre provenienti dal set di fotoincisioni; sfortunatamente l'ottone si è rivelato troppo sottile, dandomi grossi problemi per quanto riguarda il tensionamento dei cingoli. Le parti fotoincise sono state inoltre completate con le necessarie bullonature; inoltre, delle molle vere sono state utilizzate per sostituire quelle stampate presenti sui bracci tensionatori connessi alle ruote folli. Per ottenere un'ottimale tensione dei cingoli senza piegare le fotoincisioni sono state necessarie parecchie prove, dalla bollitura, all'utilizzo di solventi, e infine quella che ha dato il miglior risultato: l'incisione di ogni maglia con un bulino a V. Superata questa prima difficoltà, sono passato alla modifica del cassone, al cui interno sono stati eliminati i serbatoi laterali, sostituiti da uno nuovo, completo di tappo e catenella, nella cabina di guida. Con del plasticard sono state quindi occluse le nuove aperture e la trama dell'antisdrucciolo è stata estesa alle nuove superfici. Sul retro del mezzo sono stati eliminati gli inviti per il fissaggio dei due portapacchi.
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Steel Art No.02
Ho iniziato l'elaborazione alcuni anni fa (come accade a molti modellisti, quando giungo a saturazione, accantono il modello che sto realizzando e lo riprendo quando mi torna l'ispirazione) da uno Sherman dell'Airfix, in scala 1/76, correggendone i numerosissimi difetti Lo scafo del carro è asimmetrico; visto frontalmente la parte destra è più stretta della sinistra e si deve quindi aggiungere uno spessore di 0,5 mm, opportunamente sagomato sul fianco; è quindi necessario riposizionare il filtro dell'aria; questa operazione ha come effetto collaterale la correzione delle dimensioni del modello, portandolo ad una corretta scala 1/76. Per ridurre l'altezza delle fiancate dello scafo è possibile incollare delle striscette di strip per simulare il supporto del grembiule parasabbia, da completare con i relativi fori di fissaggio. E stato quindi necessario correggere l'asimmetria della parte posteriore. Terminate le modifiche strutturali, ho autocostruito i filtri dell'aria, per poi collocare i portelli di accesso al vano motore in posizione correttamente centrata. I cingoli provengono dallo Sherman Esci e sono stati ristretti di 0,15 mm da ambo i lati.
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Steel Art No.01
Come base di partenza ho utilizzato il modello in resina prodotto dalla Cri. El Model. Di particolare aiuto mi è stato il volume intitolato "Le Autocarrette del Regio Esercito", edito da Albertelli, da cui ho ricavato i disegni in scala, riducendo quelli in 1/25 ivi pubblicati. Questo volume, affiancato dalle foto scattate alla Cecchignola, da alcune fotocopie del manuale d'uso e manutenzione e da Wheels & Tracks nD61, ha costituito la mia nutrita documentazione. Dato lo spessore minimo delle parti, la fragilità della resina e la necessità di apportare numerose modifiche, ho ritenuto opportuno ricorrere ad un'autocostruzione quasi completa. Ho quindi selezionato gli elementi che avrei comunque potuto utilizzare, come la parte frontale del posto di guida ed una ruota, utilizzata per realizzare il nuovo ''master". La costruzione è iniziata dal posto di pilotaggio e più precisamente dal pezzo del kit che riproduce la piastra frontale, comprendente la griglia di ventilazione.
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Friday, April 16, 2010
Scale Aviation Modeller International 1999 01
The kit comes in the standard, sand colour resin with the parts being bagged tightly to avoid damage. Mast of the parts seem to be copied from either the Italeri Ju 188 (wings, tail, undercarriage) or the Airmodel Ju 388 (fuselage, engine cowls,canopy, fin and rudder). A strange choice is the inclusion of Fw 190 seats for the cockpit interior. Lose them and make you own. These come on two double-sided A4 sheets. The first two sides deal with a brief history and specifications but as they arc in Czech? these are best left to the linguists. The next side deals with construction in a series of exploded views, and the last side gives a three-view paint plan. Adequate but not entirely clear.
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Modelling the M3-M5 Stuart Light Tank
The M3 and M5 Stuart light tanks make an ideal subject for modelers interested in World War II tanks. The Stuart light tanks saw action in nearly every theater of the war - the deserts of North Africa in 1941, the jungles and islands of the Pacific Theater in 1941-45, the Eastern Front in 1941-45, and the campaigns in Northwest Europe in 1944-45. They served in nearly all of the Allied armies, and captured examples served in small numbers in the German and Japanese armies. As a result, there is a vast assortment of markings and subjects. Likewise, there is a wide range of kits of these tanks, with at least three basic families of kits in 1/35 scale, several more in resin, additional plastic kits in smaller scales and a multitude of aftermarket enhancements.
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Messerschmitt Bf 109
Those of you who have been around the modelling scene for any number of years will obviously be aware by now that there are some aircraft that have gained 'cult' status - and the Bf 109 is right up there with the best. Perhaps it is no surprise then that the model kit manufacturers over the years have looked to cultivate our own interest in plastic scale modelling by producing large quantities of the popular WWII fighter types. You really could write a detailed book on the development of the Bf 109 in model form, such are the diversity and range of products that have been available through the years. It is not my intention to do this here, only to trace the history of the type in model form and get a taste for what is currently available. A detailed round up of the kits and model accessories that are currently available appears in a later chapter.
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Advanced Military Vehicle Modelling
For some years the vacuforming process offered the modeller the only alternative to injection moulded parts when converting or 'customising' plastic kits. A high standard of detail was possible with vacuforming and a number of AFV subjects were released. The process did not lend itself to huge production runs and those kits shown here have become quite rare. Vacuforms were largely overtaken by highly detailed accessory kits made of resin, modelers opting to combine these - with their excellent durability - with new major component parts cut from plastic sheet. Vacuforms have not entirely disappeared however and still figure in 'mixed media' conversion work on tanks and AFVs.
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Model Airplane News 2010-02
THERE ARE ONLY A FEW airplanes that truly represent air dominance. The U.S. had the Mustang, the British had the Spitfire, the Japanese had the Zero, and the German Luftwaffe had its Focke-Wulf 190. Also known as the "Butcher Bird," the Fw 190 was powered by a l,700hp BMW 14-cylinder radial engine and loaded with heavy-duty firepower, usually two 13mm and two 20mm or two 20mm and two 30mm cannon. Although it had its limitations above 20,000 feet, the Fw 190 was extremely effective at lower altitudes with its agility and stability as a weapons platform. The new VQ Models FW-190 combines great sport-scale looks with excellent flight performance. Constructed of balsa and lite-ply, the model is covered with a preprinted detailed and weathered finish. It comes with a painted fiberglass cowl, a hand-painted pilot, factory-installed hinges, foam wheels, a fuel tank, a plastic scale spinner, decals and a good assortment of hardware. Although not intended for the beginner, this WW II fighter would make a great addition to the hangar of anyone who has mastered basic RC flying.
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Modell Fan 2006-06
Die kleinen vertikalen Stabilisierungsflächen an den Höhenleitwerken der CL 415 sind übrigens tatsächlich schief, d. h. etwas nach rechts gedreht, angebracht. Das ist kein Fehler des Modells! Die Teile beider Bausätze sind mit „Dampfkesselnieten" übersät; obwohl die Wasserbomber zwecks robuster Bauweise mit Rundkopfnieten zusammengehalten werden, ist deren Darstellung stellenweise doch etwas übertrieben. Die Rumpfmittelnaht muss hingegen verschliffen werden, was ein anschließendes Nachbilden der Nieten erfordert. Obwohl bei den fertigen Modellen davon nichts mehr zu sehen ist, sind auch Details der Inneneinrichtung dargestellt, vor allem die beiden Wassertanks, zwei Sitzbänke im Laderaum und eine Taurolle im Bug. Ich finde diese Details trotzdem willkommen, offenbaren sie einem doch zumindest während des Bauens, wie es in solch einer Maschine aussieht. Vor allem wundert man sich, wie klein die Wassertanks im Verhältnis zu den Ausmaßen des Laderaums sind. Wasser hat eben doch ein enormes Gewicht.
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AIR Modeller 28 (Feb/Mar 2010)
I have long held the Lightning as my all time favourite and when Trumpeter announced their 1/32 scale kits I was one happy Modeller. When the kits began to arrive people started to notice various errors, all of which can be fixed. I kept thinking about what I could do that would be out of the ordinary, to showcase this amazing aircraft in my chosen scale. My choice was slightly dictated by having two copies of the F1/3 kit, and I began research into the possibilities of making a T5 from the model. Once I had decided that this was going to be the way forward I searched my reference library and came up with several books dedicated to the beast with many different representations of the trainer and plans In several of the books. I chose one set and stuck to them because I considered it best to stick to a consistent reference point. At this stage I had not decided upon a colour scheme but I was considering either an all green machine or a green grey one. With a little more research I came up with the scheme that you see here which represents the Lightning XS458 from 5 Sqn on detachment to RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus for 11 Sqn Armament Practice Camp in 1980. I found two reasonable photos in my references and these served as the basis of my scheme. I was later handed a copy of an Air Enthusiast Magazine with a photograph of the right side of the fuselage.
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Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Scale Aircraft Modelling 2006-11
The Wellington was one of the most important warplanes in the British inventory at the start of World War II, and bore the brunt of the British bomber effort until large numbers of four-engined heavy bombers became available in the later stages of 1941. The type then found an important second career in maritime reconnaissance, and to a lesser extent in the transport and training roles, until a time well after the end of the war in 1945. Production totalled 11,461 aircraft from three factories, the last machine not being delivered until 13 October 1945, and this was the largest number of any British bomber type ever placed in production. The origins of the Wellington can be found in the Air Ministry's B.9/32 requirement for a twin-engined bomber, and Vickers decided to create such a type using the type of geodetic structure created by Dr Barnes Wallis for the R100 airship. The Ministry contracted for a single prototype of the Type 271 design as a fabric-covered monoplane with tailwheel landing gear, including main units retracting into the underside of the nacelles for the wing-mounted engines, turreted defensive armament and provision for the carriage of nine bombs.
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Minitracks No.4
We chose to show our Mephisto during the first attack of the A7V, on the 21st April 1918. For the fighting on the 21st March, it is more than likely that it was decorated with a skull at the front and no christened name was carried.We used a roughly sculpted styrene block, which was covered with plaster bands found in a chemists. To show the muddy and moonlike appearance of the ground, I covered the base with a mix of white glue and ground coffee, this gives a deep brown colour, with a grainy aspect. When this was dry, several brown washes were spread over the surface, and several brushes of lighter tones (beige, yellow, green, light grey...). Then to finish the work, pastels were used here and there, all the traces being worked out with a brush. The layout of the trenches is made using wooden sticks which came from a fast food shop.
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Model Aircraft Monthly 2002-03
The Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation Wirraway, a development of the North American NA-16 single engine monoplane trainer, was the first aircraft to be manufactured in any real numbers in Australia. It was the first product of an Australian Government decision to establish a factory specifically to produce aircraft for the Royal Australian Air Force. Two pattern aircraft, a North American NA-16-1 with fixed undercarriage, and a North American NA-16-2 with a retractable undercarriage, were delivered late in 1937 and aircraft of the first production batch of 40 CAC CA-1 Mk I Wirraways began coming off the production line just before World War II began. 580 aircraft (CA-3, 5, 7 and 9) were built as Mark IIs, including 245 built against a British contract (serials HP581 to HP843). These remained in Australia and never carried their British serials. The final batch of 150 CA-16 Mark IIIs brought the total production to 755 aircraft. The last was completed in June 1946. RAAF serial numbers ran from A20-3 to A20-757.
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Monday, April 12, 2010
MiniReplika 16
Lotnictwo sportowe na półkach sklepów modelarskich jest w praktyce nieobecne, a te modele, które pojawiają się czasami są jedynie pojedynczymi jaskółkami nie czyniącymi wiosny. Najmniej szczęścia do modelarskich replik mają szybowce, które z racji swej prostoty nie cieszą się zbytnim zainteresowaniem modelarskiej braci. Wprawdzie do dzisiaj można kupić serię modeli szybowców w skali 1:72 wyprodukowanych przez PZW w Siedlcach, ale modele te nie prezentują równego poziomu wykonania i tylko kilka z nich jest wartych polecenia. W skali 1:48 widziałem dotąd tylko dwa modele szybowców wyprodukowane w Czechach przez Smer: Blanik i Lunak. Moje zdziwienie było tym większe, gdy dostałem do rąk modele dwóch polskich szybowców w skali 1:48 wyprodukowane przez podkrakowską firmę Ardpol. Nieznana dotąd firma przedstawiła modele SZD-51 Junior (nr kat. 48-001) i IS-2 Mucha (48-002) wykonane w technice odlewu żywicznego na takim poziomie, że oglądałem te zestawy kilka razy, nie dowierzając własnym oczom.
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Steel Art No.60
Qualche mese dopo, sfogliando alcuni libri vidi l'immagine di tre M10 vicino a Bologna al termine della guerra. Ottimo: la Campagna d'Italia è una delle mie preferite di tutta la Seconda Guerra Mondiale, caratterizzata da uno splendido paesaggio in netto contrasto con la difficoltà della situazione e da una mescolanza di nazionalità, di mezzi e di livree. Avevo da poco concluso un M4A4 Sherman sud africano della VI Divisione Corazzata, per cui avevo ben presenti l'aspetto e i fregi di tali mezzi; i tre M10 avevano la mimetica tipica per l'Italia di quel periodo ed erano caratterizzati da nomi quantomeno bizzarri riportati a caratteri cubitali dietro alle torrette: Vagabond, Vulture...e poi questo, l'ultimo della colonna: Voodoo...
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Verlinden Modeling Magazine Vol.10 No.1
The focus of this diorama is the German crew being rescued from a burning Panther tank. The kit used was the Italeri Panther A. modified with zimmerit made from Squadron white putty. The putty was sculpted with an exacto blade and the Tamiya zimmerit tools. Painting of the tank was done with Tamiya acrylics, washed in oils. Drybrushing was done with Humbrol earthtones. The figures are all extensively modified DML items, some with 'Hornet' heads. The dead horse is a modified Historex item. All of the figures and the dead horse were painted with oils. The fire was sculpted from Milliput, realistically painted with Humbrol red, orange, and yellow. The smoke was made by soaking shredded cotton balls in a solution of water, white glue, and flat black acrylic paint. After soaking thoroughly, the cotton was squeezed-out and allowed to dry a bit, then formed into position from the engine to the tree, after drying, various shades of black and gray were airbrushed into some areas to achieve a realistic color.
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