Sunday, June 13, 2010

Military Modelling 2006-01

The Cruiser Tank A9 Mark I was a lightweight development of the Medium Tank Mark III. Several features made this tank unique; the A9 had its engine located in the rear with a central, powered turret, the armour was almost entirely vertical and an auxiliary engine was used to start the main engine. The driving and fighting compartments were located together and each of the hull machine gunners was located on either side of the driver. The Vickers 'slow motion' suspension design was later used on the Valentine series with some minor modifications. The A9 had a crew of six, weighed 12 tons, with a performance speed of 25 mph and approximately 125 were produced. Armament was a two-pounder gun and a co-axial .303in Vickers water-cooled machine gun in the mail turret, and one .303in Vickers water-cooled machine gun in each of the two smaller turrets at the front of the hull. The close support version (CS) of the tank was armed with a 3.7in gun firing high explosive shells, and in line with British doctrine of the time, deployed in headquarters' squadrons. The Mark I was in service from 1938 to 1941 and was used in some regiments of the 1st Armoured Division in France and armoured divisions in North Africa until 1941. Evidence suggests that captured examples of the Close Support (CS) version of the tank were used against their former owners by Axis forces in 1942 in the Western Desert.

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miniReplika 59

W swoim "modelarskim życiu" od pewnego momentu zacząłem unikać modeli małoseryjnych tzw. short run. Odstraszała mnie dość skutecznie wizja ogromnego rozrzutu pomiędzy perfekcją a niedokładnością wykonania danego zestawu. Kilkukrotne starcia z tego typu modelami pozostawiały mi zawsze pewien niedosyt, rezultaty niejednokrotnie nie rekompensowały poświęconego czasu i nakładów. Wszystko byłoby nadal takie czarno-białe gdyby nie sławetne „ale". Tym „ale" jest fakt, że niektóre repliki - szczególnie mniej znane lub mało popularne - wykonywane są tylko w takiej technologii. Wówczas przestają się liczyć uprzedzenia i modelarz skłonny jest do poświęceń i wyrzeczeń w imię chęci wykonania modelu (w innej sferze życia śp. Freud pewnie to odpowiednio zaszufladkował). I w ten sposób dotarłem do bohatera niniejszego artykułu - latającej łodzi Grumman JRF-5 Goose, francuskiej firmy Signifer.

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Modelling The T-55 Main Battle Tank

The Russian T-55 is one of the most prolific main battle tanks ever produced. A direct descendent of the infamous and prevalent Russian T-34, the T-55 was first introduced in the 'cold war' era of the 1950s. By the time production ended in the early 1980s, an estimated 50.000 examples had been built under license by Russian allies such as Poland, Czechoslovakia and China. Many versions and modifications were developed, both by the original Russian manufacturer and by licensed producers throughout the world. Many different camouflage and paint schemes have been displayed on the T-55 through the years, such as during the Balkan wars and the two Iraq wars, making the T-55 a consistently interesting modelling subject. Given the T-55's simplicity, reliability, and its powerful 100mm gun, it is not surprising that many T-55s are still in service today, as seen in the recent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

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Modell und Farbe

Ohne Licht (Beleuchtung) gibt es keine Farbe. Unabhängig von seiner Entstehung ist Licht ein bestimmter Bereich des elektromagnetischen Spektrums, der in der Lage ist, im Gegensatz zu anderen Bereichen des Gesamtspektrums, zum Beispiel Röntgenstrahlen oder Radiowellen, in unseren Augen einen Farbeindruck hervorzurufen. Dieser schmale Abschnitt reicht von etwa 380 nm (1 Nanometer = 1 Millionstel Millimeter) bis zu 780 nm und wird nach unten vom noch nicht sichtbaren ultravioletten und in Richtung längerer Wellenlängen vom Infrarot (Wärmestrahlung) begrenzt. Jede denkbare Farbe entspricht einer bestimmten Wellenlänge im für uns sichtbaren Bereich und zwar in der Reihenfolge Violett-Blau-Grün-Gelb-Orange-Rot. Das sind genau die Farben, die in gleicher Folge im Regenbogen erscheinen oder wenn weißes Licht durch geschliffenes Glas tritt. Diese Erscheinung war Ausgangspunkt der frühen Erforschung des Lichts und der Farben.

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Modelismo Aplicado - Dioramas

El ciprés que está ligado a las culturas mediterráneas, posiblemente sea uno de los árboles más conocidos y fáciles de identificar por su característica forma estilizada, estrecha y puntiaguda, aunque este estereotipo puede confundirnos pues existen variedades dentro del ciprés mediterráneo con el follaje más voluminoso (horizontal) que, conservando todas las características externas, como color de la corteza, tipo de hoja, etc., tienen una imagen bastante diferente a la piramidal de aguja. Esta la podemos encontrar tanto en cementerios, iglesias, como árbol decorativo de jardines y parques. En el campo también se halla formando bosquecillos. Puede emplearse en dioramas que se ubiquen en el Mediterráneo oriental, desde Italia hasta España, y en la mayoría de las islas de la zona. Al ser una especie autóctona se la considera intemporal, pudiéndose incluir en escenas desde la prehistoria al Imperio romano, o en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, hay variadas fotos de carros panteras y otros vehículos operando en zonas pobladas por estos árboles.

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Modell Fan 2009-11

WCM liefert die Bauteile in Form von Plastik-, Resin- und Atzteilen mit, eine gute Übung für alle Modellbauer, die sich an Multimedia-Kits versuchen wollen. Trotzdem wird etwas Scratchbau notwendig, wie dies auch die Photos zeigen. Die dabei benutzten Materialien sind die klassischen: Sheet, gezogener Gussast, Draht usw.. Bei meinem Modell war die Halterung der Kamera gebrochen. Sie wurde daher entfernt und aus Plastiksheet neu aufgebaut, auch hier vervollständigte eine Verkabelung das Ganze. Die Detaillierung der Seitenwände ist super und die endlosen Kabelbäume und Schläuche wurden vor der Bemalung einfach nur aufgeklebt. Uber die Farbe der Inneneinrichtung existieren viele Meinungen, selbst darüber im Zweifel folgte ich daher am Ende der Anleitung: „Olive Drab" und „Intermediate Blue". Dann muss das Puzzle nur noch zusammengebaut und im Rumpf montiert werden, ein beunruhigend einfacher Prozess.

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Model Aircraft Monthly 2002-05

The Museum Letectvi Kbely is located on the outskirts of Prague, Czech Republic, and is easy to get to by public transport. The museum was the product of the former Communist government which ensured that examples of prototypes, aircraft coming out of service with the air force, government organisations and surviving aircraft from the 1920s and 1930s were brought together. Replicas of significant aircraft from the past which did not survive the Nazi era were built to fill the gaps. With such a wealth of material available it is not surprising that this is one of the great museums of Europe and that it possesses many unique types of aircraft. This feature looks at the jet-powered fighter aircraft which form an interesting sub-section of the displays. These emanate mostly from the former Soviet Union but also include Czech-built Messerschmitt Me 262s, a Northrop F-5, a McDonnell F-4, a Gloster Meteor and a Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation Sabre. The last four seem out of place but I was told that they were there to represent aircraft which Communist forces have fought against.

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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Wing Masters No.34

Les pièces internes reproduisent surtout le cockpit, très simple, avec sa baignoire aux consoles gravées, son siège, son manche et son tableau de bord aux cadrans bien en relief. On notera également les caissons de trains dont en voit les canalisations et les conduites. La découpe est classique : deux moitiés de fuselage, un nez, des stabilisateurs, des ailes avec intrados et extrados et les accessoires (train, caisson du réservoir central, échelle d'accès, verrière monobloc, pylônes et missiles). Le montage ne recèle aucune mauvaise surprise. Peu de colmatage est à prévoir; vous pourrez assembler ce kit en deux temps trois mouvements et passer rapidement à sa mise en peinture.Il existe différentes manières d'aborder ce point selon le résultat que l'on souhaite obtenir et bien sûr de ses capacités et de l'équipement dont on dispose. Peindre une maquette constitue évidemment toujours un défi car montage un parfait peut être ruiné par une application approximative des couleurs (quel que soit d'ailleurs le procédé retenu, pistolet ou pinceau).

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Model Aeroplanes of WWI - Design and Construction

Of all modelling pursuits, constructing model aircraft is probably the most popular and, indeed, can be traced back to the times of Leonardo Da Vinci, when models were used to test the theories of flight. The craft as we know it today, however, started in the early 1900s, although initially flying and display models were mainly built from plans and drawings. Simple wooden kits appeared in the mid 1930s and were produced until the early sixties when the plastics industry largely revolutionized the display model-kit market. For reasons of production economy, however, the choice of plastic kit is sometimes limited to the better known types of aircraft, and so often the modeller must build his or her own choice of model from plans using raw materials - a process otherwise known as 'scratch building'. Scratch building model display aircraft of the First World War holds a particular fascination, both from a modelling viewpoint and an observational one. Their characteristic fabric-covered structures and rigging wires typify the antiquated charm of these historic old timers, and one has only to witness those fine museum models to testify to that. Armed with the techniques of building these models, you will have the freedom to construct any project at a modest cost and to a scale of your choice.

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Military Modelling 1994-11

It is difficult to say when I became hooked on submarines, but one thing is certain: it was many, many years ago. My friendship with Baldomero Saiz is also an old one. He is one of those people in love with submarines too, the real tiling or models, and he is an expert on a subject he has studied for many years. He is also a superb modeller, able to achieve any project regardless of complexity - and producing a U-Boat conning tower was to become a complex project! With so much riding on the project, it became clear that we at Andrea Miniatures would undertake the challenge of manufacturing a definitive study of a German U-Boat conning tower in 1:32 scale, considered the 'original' model soldier scale and still compatible, in any case, with 1:35 scale models and figures imposed upon everyone by the Japanese plastic kit industry. It took a year to see develop and produce the model, for which a special team was constituted for the project, involving the production of parts in the most diverse materials. A quality 'second to none' was required, which became a nightmare for Raul Gomez, the production manager at Andrea Studios.

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Military Miniatures in Review Vol.2 No.3

The R-40 is one of those odd birds from early World War II. It was a further development in the R-35 series and saw limited service in closing days of the battle for France. After the surrender, some vehicles saw service in the Wehrmacht, although photo reference is ultra rare. It's also conceivable that the French underground used some during the liberation (I suppose anything's possible—the underground actually built tanks at a tank factory right under the German's noses—but that's another story). Ever since seeing the Renault R-40 in Osprey Publishing's Polish Armour, I knew I had to have one. But being a lazy S.O.B. there was no way I was going to take a Heller R-35 and convert it. Even if I had been inclined to, the R-40 is one of those exceedingly rare vehicles that plans and information are very tough to find (anybody got any good Nimrod or Zrinyi plans?).

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Wing Masters No.35

Le kit a été entièrement revu par rapport à la première édition Hasegawa (qui n'était en fait que la reprise de la voilure de son ancien Fw 190A-8, avec un nouveau fuselage et des accessoires multimédias) notamment au niveau des ailes et des logements de train qui réservent bien des surprises agréables...Nous vous invitons donc à découvrir cette nouvelle maquette et saluons bien bas ce fabricant qui nous gâte vraiment ces temps-ci et participe avec talent à la redécouverte de cette échelle, autrefois bien couverte par Revell. Nous démarrons de manière inhabituelle le montage par les logements de train avec l'application d'un aluminium mat (RLM 01). Les renforts triangulaires sont gris foncé (RLM 66), les soufflets des canons MG 151 reçoivent un jus marron/noir sur une base marron/rouge comme le montrent les photos de la maquette en cours de montage. Les fûts de train sont en gris foncé (RLM 66) sur lesquels on ajoute une durit de frein en fil d'étain noir. Une des deux contrefiches est gris vert (RLM 02), détail témoignant du contexte difficile dans lequel ces machines étaient entretenues, très souvent avec des pièces récupérées sur des épaves.

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Military Modelling 1996-10

This model is intended to depict d'Hautpoul much as he would have appeared at the battle of Austerlitz, 2nd December 1805. He was fully involved in the decisive moment of the battle (often considered Napoleon's finest victory) when the Pratzen Heights were captured from the Austro-Russian army.When making Historex mounted figures in the past, I was always pretty happy with the horse, which if used in sensible combinations produced a more than satisfactory result. However, the figures could be rather more problematical, with the main problem being a stiffness which needed work to overcome. In this case, as d'Hautpoul wears a cuirass the problem was greatly minimised! I selected a pair of arms that produced a casual pose, one arm on hip, and the other simply holding the horse's reins. To further add a little subtle life to the piece, I angled the body and head slightly to one side to convey the idea that he had halted to survey the scene -perhaps the progress of his troops in battle.

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Military Miniatures in Review No.08

With the vaunted blitzkrieg tangled in the streets of Stalingrad, it became apparent that a weapon mounting a heavy gun capable of demolishing buildings and fortifications would be needed pronto. The resulting vehicle represented the third attempt to mount the very potent 15cm SIG 33 heavy infantry gun on a tank chassis. The other two attempts utilized the Pzkw. I & II in thinly armored open fighting compartments. Development of a new, more heavily armored vehicle began as early as July of 1941. Twelve examples of the initial version were completed in December 1941 and January 1942. On September 20,1942, Hitler ordered that 12 vehicles be made ready in 14 days for immediate use in the battle for Stalingrad. The original 12 vehicles were rebuilt, and 12 additional were constructed and sent to the front as part of an Infanteriegeshutz company in November 1942.

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Modelismo Aplicado - Pintura Figuras y Fantasia

Pintar una figura es una operación muy sencilla y al alcance de cualquier modelista a poca habilidad que tenga, pero este divertimento se está complicando a medida que avanza la técnica. Actualmente se puede elegir entre dos sistemas tradicionales: la luz general y la luz cenital. Es comprometido aconsejar cuál es la más idónea, el modelista ha de elegir según su preferencia. El concepto para la aplicación de luz general se basa en (a ¡dea de valles y cumbres. Imaginaros una figura como la estatua de la libertad tumbada, y supongamos que los valles son las zonas más profundas, donde el color deberá ser más oscuro y tendrá que ascender en curvas de nivel, como si de un mapa topográfico se tratará. Se irán produciendo tonos cada vez más claros, hasta llegar a la cumbre, área de máxima luz. Una iluminación de este tipo supondría que la luz estaría repartida de forma general y uniforme.

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Air Modeller No.30 (2010-06/07)

In 1942, after the country was bombed several times by Japanese aircraft operating from captured islands, the Australian government decided to order a fighter derived from the A 20 Wirraway to quickly counter any possible assault. This aircraft was to become the Boomerang. Despite its manoeuvrability, it was not a very efficient fighter, but was used successfully in ground support. A mix of Thunderbolt and egg plane, The Boomerang had been tackled by Limited which has released a very short run product. The Special Hobby version is superior in terms of details and engraving, but needs a few adjustments. This boomerang is very characteristic of recent Special Hobby products. Great care is taken with engraving and details while big adjustments are sometimes not obvious and require some experience. A very good kit, but more particularly suited to experience modellers.

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Military Miniatures in Review No.15

German armor freaks will undoubtedly have to have the entire set We eryoyed them all, hut highlights were the Panzer III and Light Panzer tapes. The German war photographers were at their most active during the period when these vehicles were most numerous, so the footage is elaborate and lengthy. The camera also loved the StuG, especially in the last year of the war, when it was often the only thing armored moving around on the battlefield. The Panzer IV is also excellent and includes ultra-rare color footage of a Panzer IV G on the eastern front. The heavy tank footage didn't quite have the diversity of these others but did make up for it with stuff like shots of a Sturmtiger in action in Warsaw. We recommend the entire series.

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Military Modelling 1997-12

SMA have added a WWII German DKW 125 motorbike to their range of 1:35 scale models. The German army made good use of motorcycles, but they were not all BMW or Zundapp 750s! A nice change, therefore, to see one of the smaller capacity bikes, which do seem common enough in photographs from the time. The model bike is made up from a number of good quality metal castings and clean up is fairly straightforward, there is an etched brass fret for the spokes, which have to be sandwiched between the metal tyre halves. Thin wire is also supplied to make up the various cables and an instruction sheet is included. The parts are fine and I used super glue for its assembly, rather than solder, for fear of damaging the parts. The end result is light enough to remain quite a strong assembly.

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Minitracks No.5

The First World War wide moving battles ended in the trenches by the last months of 1914, with their machine gun emplacements, barbed wire fields and heavy artillery, that all made any offensive too costly. Years were spent in this stalemate with huge human losses for the soldiers before a new arm was created in 1916 to reach a quick conclusion : the tank, invented in England as well as in France. Colonel Estienne was the first in France to design a tracked vehicle, armoured and fitted with weapons, able to move on battle torn ground and crushing all the obstacles it would meet. It was created to crack open the enemy lines and tear a gap through which the infantry and the cavalry would reopen a war of movement. On Estienne's indications, Ingenieur Brille (working for the Schneider firm) choose the Baby-Holt tractor of US origin to install an armoured body. After the failure of the Champagne offensive in December 1915, General Joffre found interest in this new weapon and authorized a contract for 400 of this tank to the Le Creusot factory in February 1916.

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Military Modelling 2007-03

There are not many kits of French armoured cars in any of the popular scales. In fact, there isn't much in the way of kits for French equipment at all, so this one from DES Resin is very welcome. Pre-war doctrine in the French Armée de Terre called for three classes of armoured car; for long-range reconnaissance the Auto Mitrailleuse de Découverte or AMD, for battlefield reconnaissance the Auto Mitrailleuse de Reconnaissance or AMR, and for combat the Auto Mitrailleuse de Combat or AMC. Confusingly, the same abbreviations were applied to tracked vehicles which most armies classes as light tanks. In December 1932 specifications were issued for a new AMD, requiring a range of 250 miles with a top speed of 45 mph and a 20mm main armament plus co-axial machine gun. The first attempt to meet these specifications was by modernizing the 1918 White armoured car, transferring its modified body and turret to a Laffly chassis with a 50 horsepower engine.

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Military Miniatures in Review No.17

The M6 antitank gun was derived from the 3-inch gun carriage Ml. Near the end of 1942, the United States took a 3-inch anti-aircraft tube and mated it with the 105mm howitzer carriage. These guns were used in all theaters of war, although they were best known for their use in and around Bastone during the Battle of the Bulge. They were quite cumbersome, but proved to be very effective. This gun was also modified to fit the 3-inch GMC, (Gun Motor Carriage) M10 Tank Destroyer. KMC's conversion is very impressive, as is most of their product line. Their delicate resin castings make me nervous every time I handle them. 1 am always impressed with how thin and to scale some of these pieces reallv are. This does not mean that this conversion was a breeze. There were some minor annoyances, hut I think this article and the accompanying photos will help clear those up. You will also need one Italeri 105mm howitzer M101 to mate with KMC's M6 conversion. I don't know how Italeri's 105 howitzer kit slipped past me through the years. After I looked over the details of the Italeri sprues I was truly impressed. This is one nice kit, right out of the box.

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Minitracks No.6

This tank was created through a common work, from July to November 1916, by the famous général Estienne and Louis Renault, a well-known manufacturer. The Général's conception was to provide escort to medium tanks and the infantry with great quantities of 'infantrymen under armour' and fitted with MGs, that could harass the enemy in any terrain. To achieve that, the tank had to be small, with just a two man crew (one driving, one manning the armament). To optimize the inside space, a crew compartment was created, separated from the rear located engine. The engine as itself a car one, saving much time in research and factory conversion, as it was already on the assembly lanes. The suspension was quite different from previous French offerings as it was enveloping and not situated under the hull as usual. The sprocket was at rear, and the wooden idler had a great diameter to easily overcome obstacles. An unditching tail was added to improve the trench crossing ability. There was only one MG, but housed in a fully revolving turret. It was later even possible to mount a short 37mm gun, modified to be operable by a lone crew.

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Wing Masters No.37

En 1942-1943 North American développe des versions d'assaut du Mitchell, les B-25G et H équipés d'un canon de 75 mm moins efficace qu'on ne l'espérait. Avec le B-25J, la firme revient à la formule du bombardier moyen en greffant un habitacle vitré, semblable à celui des modèles C et D, à une cellule identique à celle d'un B-25H. Les livraisons suivent l'envol du premier exemplaire le 14 décembre 1943. Une version d'assaut avec huit mitrailleuses de 12,7 mm dans une proue carénée est produite à 800 unités, un kit de modification est livré aux unités équipées de bombardiers; l'armement est exceptionnel pour un avion de cette catégorie. En août 1945 la production cesse du jour au lendemain: 72 engins terminés ne sont pas pris en compte.

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Modelismo Aplicado - Vehiculos Militares

Básicamente lodos los vehi culos militares tienen un proceso de montaje muy similar. Al abrir la caja, el principiante se encuentra con unas instrucciones más o menos claras y unas ban dejas o grapas donde vienen sujetas las piezas. El primer problema que aparece es cómo separarlas limpiamente, pues en ningún caso deben arrancarse con la mano, girando la pieza sobre sí misma, pues se corre el riesgo de estropearla al desgarrar parte de ella, hay varios sis temas para llevar a cabo ade cuadamente este proceso: se puede utilizar una cuchilla curva que corte poco a poco, aunque lo más conveniente son unas tijeri tas de punta bien afiladas o, como máximo, una tenaza de corte especial. Una vez desprendida la pieza, descubrimos un trocito sobrante proveniente de la unión, como una verruga de plástico, que se elimina cortándolo con una cuchilla. También con frecuen da. aunque la pieza esté bien inyectada, puede aparecer una ligera linea de plástico que sobre sale en el punto concreto de unión de los moldes, que, depen diendo de dónde esté situada la pieza en la maqueta, puede verse o quedar oculto.

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Wing Masters No.39

Ce dernier se révéla riche cependant en réalisations de grande qualité au 1/72 notamment, avec une hégémonie de thèmes militaires comme toujours. Le 1/32 qui a les faveurs des fabricants actuellement et dont les revues se font naturellement l'écho fut assez discret. La tendance cette année a été marquée par une ultrasophistication comme on l'a dit des maquettes à petite échelle en raison de la présence d'une délégation tchèque en particulier. L'on a pu également noter que les raffinements auxquels nous ont habitués les « peintres » espagnols se retrouvèrent sur quelques belles pièces au 1/48. Les Français se distinguèrent aussi en remportant des médailles, distinctions au sommet desquelles arriva un impressionnant CH-54A Skycrane au 1/48 en scratch.

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Modell Militar International No.03

Dragon Models muss dafür beglückwünscht werden, dass sie beständig ihre Modelle und deren Qualität verbessern - auch auf die Anfragen von den Modellbauern hin. Dieses Modell ist das neueste in der Linie der Sherman M4A2 (Sherman III)-Kits und repräsentiert "Clive", einen gut dokumentierten Panzer des dritten Bezirks der Londoner Yeomanry in seiner "leichten Matsch und schwarzen Camouflage"-Lackierung. Die größten Unterschiede zwischen diesem Baukasten und den früheren Versionen der "Welded Hood"-M4A2s besteht in der verstärkten Panzerung des Fahrerbereiches sowie des Motorbereiches, der nun die korrekte Anzahl an Gittern aufweist. Auch die Anbringung des Sonnenschildes weißt nun eine akkuratere Anzahl an Befestigungspunkten auf, zudem liegt nun ein hervorragendes Paar von Dragons Styrol-WD 212-Ketten hei.

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Minitracks No.7

After the Flers-Courcelette battle, where the Mark I appeared on the front in September 1916, it was decided to continue to use the new weapon called 'tank', but only after improving the model. So the already ordered next 100 exemplaries were modified and used in the British Army as the Mark IIs and Mark IIIs. The main change was to drop the rear wheels supposed to aid the steering but of not much use. The tanks were still under-armoured but were nonetheless launched in the inferno of the Ypres battle in April 1917. Meanwhile, under the guidance of Major Wilson and William Tritton, the Mark IV was designed incorporating many improvements. If the silhouette was familiar, with a rhomboid shape and side sponsons, the armour thickness was brought to 16 mm on the front and 8 mm on the sides and roof. On the male tanks, the 57mm gun barrel was shortened to improve the cross-country capability and 3 MGs were added for close protection. They were at first no more Hotchkiss but Lewis models, but those proved to produce too much smoke and the designers quickly reverted to Hotchkiss. The female were equipped with just 5 MGs.

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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Model Military International No.40

The Tank Story is a modern, state of the art exhibition at the Tank Museum, Bovington, that brings the story of the armoured vehicle and its crew to life; from the first tank to the very latest. 33 key vehicles from the history of armoured warfare, including Little Willy, the Tiger Tank and Challenger 2 have been displayed amongst cutting edge display materials in a vast new exhibition hall, which also houses the Museum's new shop, restaurant, entrance and other new visitor facilities. The exhibition draws on archive footage, photographs, veterans' accounts and supporting collection artefacts; many of which have never been on public display before. The soldier's story is told in his own words, and it is placed in context with the world events that gave rise to the invention and rapid development of the tank through the 20th Century and beyond. Tank Museum Director Richard Smith said, "The supporting collections and the veterans' stories create fascinating sub-stories that are both thought provoking and inspirational.

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Steel Art No.09

La necessità di disporre di un pezzo controcarro di grosso calibro e dalla notevole lunghezza di conna spinse i progettisti sovietici a sperimentare una configurazione con casamatta arretrata, che permetteva di contenere la lunghezza complessiva del veicolo, senza compromettere la portata e la velocità iniziale dell'arma. I predecessori del SU-101, come il SU-100, si erano rivelati poco maneggevoli nel combattimento urbano e boschivo a causa della lunghezza della canna, che sporgeva eccessivamente sul davanti del mezzo; questo difetto rappresentava anche un notevole problema nel movimento fuoristrada, toccando frequentemente il terreno. Per porre rimedio a questi inconvenienti fu tentato un approccio 'alla Ferdinand", come veniva allora definito, che oltre a contenere le dimensioni del semovente forniva una miglior protezione all'equipaggio. Sfortunatamente la fine della guerra e la conseguente smobilitazione pose prematuramente fine alla carriera di questo mezzo, che non raggiunse mai la linea di produzione.

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Wing Masters No.33

Cette maquette est tout à fait représentative de ce que produisait ce fabricant au milieu des années quatre-vingt-dix, époque de sa sortie : une gravure en creux fine et correcte, des formes générales convenables collant au plan consulté dans le fascicule TBF & TBM Avenger, Vol.53 chez Détail & Scale, et des détails reproduisant schématiquement les principaux organes de l'avion (cockpit, soute et train). Pour corser l'affaire, un kit de détaillage Aires (réf. 7007) fut utilisé afin de rehausser le niveau général. Celui-ci s'attarde sur la soute, beaucoup plus fouillée, sur le moteur en nous proposant de le représenter monté bien visible sur son bâti, et sur l'habitacle, entièrement revisité. Disons le tout de suite, ce kit assez ambitieux, n'est pas à la hauteur de la réputation du fabricant, car aucun élément ne s'assemble correctement ; même de nombreux assemblages à sec ne m'ont pas mis à l'abri de désagréments de dernière minute, comme ce poste de mitrailleur dépassant de quelques millimètres de son ouverture (après peinture et détaillage cela va sans dire), tout simplement parce qu'il butait sur le nouveau plancher en résine de l'habitacle!

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Wing Masters No.31

Comme chacun le sait, les pièces d'une maquette sont moulées par grappes. Il faut donc les détacher proprement pour ne pas les casser et ainsi s'épargner un travail supplémentaire de réparation. On utilisera pour cela une petite pince coupante (voire un coupe-ongles si les tiges de coulées sont suffisamment fines), en prenant soin de couper assez loin de la pièce. Le reliquat de grappe sera séparé de la pièce à l'aide d'une lame bien affûtée : ronde si l'on prend appui sur un support, ou pointue pour les petites pièces en les protégeant de la main libre pour éviter qu'elles ne sautent. On termine le nettoyage par un léger ponçage au papier de verre fin. On peut utiliser différents grains, mais le n° 400 ou le n° 600 font généralement l'affaire. Il est parfois nécessaire de débarrasser les pièces des joints de moulage. En effet, avec les moules en deux parties (ou plus), on observe souvent un léger décalage au niveau de la jonction des deux moitiés, décalage disgracieux sur des pièces comme les fûts d'amortisseurs ou de mitrailleuses. La méthode est la même que précédemment : lame passée à plat sur la ligne, puis papier de verre. Ce genre de détail fait souvent la différence entre une maquette soignée et une réalisation quelconque.

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Kit Flugzeug-Modell Journal 2010-02

Mit gleich zwei vollständigen Bausätzen in einer attraktiven, stabilen Schachtel, die farblich sehr ansprechend gestaltet ist, erfreut dieser Hersteller die Liebhaber des kleinen Maßstabes. Auf der Rückseite findet sich eine farbliche Darstellung der drei Markierungsmöglichkeiten (A-4E VA-195 Dambusters, A-4F, Va-192 Golden Dragons mit zwei Varianten, A-4 "Gate Guard" NAB Atsugi), die sich auch am Ende der übersichtlichen Bauanleitung wiederfinden. Sechs dunkelgraue Spritzgussrahmen und zwei separat verpackte Rahmen mit den Klarsichtteilen ergeben zwei komplette Sky-hawks. Die Einzelteile sind sehr exakt mit versenkten und vorbildgetreu erhabenen Gravuren versehen. Alle Teile, sogar die äußerst filigranen Fahrwerksbeinchen, sind gratfrei und detailgetreu abgespritzt. Das Cockpit ist doch etwas spartanisch ausgefallen, denn eine Führerraumwanne und die Instrumententafel fehlen. Die randscharf und farbtreuen Decals sind von sehr guter Druckqualität. Insgesamt betrachtet ist der Bausatz recht überzeugend und auch von einem Einsteiger zu bauen.

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Warbird Modeling

The Battle of Britain was certainly one of the most important aviation campaigns of World War II, yet its importance was not realized immediately after it was over. A few months passed before the real importance of the air war over England was understood: It was the first time that Germany failed to accomplish an objective as a result of enemy opposition, and it gave heart to all who would oppose the Nazi regime soon. After all. the main reason for the bombing campaign against the United Kingdom was to prepare the way for an invasion, which as a result of the British heroics in the air war, never took place. This gave courage to the British and all other European nations fighting the Nazis and demolished the myth of an unbeatable Germany. Furthermore, the German bombing campaign against major British cities during the second phase of the operation, caused many undecided or even German-sympathizing people in neutral countries to turn in favor of the Allied side and to support the effort against Germany.

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Wing Masters No.30

Saluons donc comme il se doit le Tchèque Spécial Hobby qui vient de nous donner, enfin, une très bonne réplique de cet appareil fabuleux à l'échelle incontournable du 1/48. Si Ton compte les reprises et autres rééditions en tous genres, le X-15 a été représenté près d'une cinquantaine de fois par les fabricants les plus divers, et ce pratiquement depuis ses premiers vols, dans les années cinquante. Il faut dire qu'avec ses airs d'engin de science-fiction, mais aussi grâce aux records qu'il a battus, il a attiré un public nombreux et désireux de mettre dans toute collection d'engins volants qui se respecte cette véritable « fusée avec un homme dedans » — pour reprendre une formule connue —, grâce à laquelle plusieurs pilotes obtinrent leurs « ailes » d'astronautes. Du géant au 1/32 en résine (Collect'Aire) au microscopique X-15 au 1/200 (DML'Dragon avec, il est vrai, le NB-52 porteur), en passant par le très bon A-2 au 1/72 de Monogram (avec statoréacteur et pilote en combinaison de vol, s'il vous plaît), sans bien sûr oublier le petit modèle Heller au 1/130, toujours au catalogue (autrefois rattaché à la mythique série « Cadet »), qui a fait la joie de plusieurs générations de maquettistes... et en particulier de votre serviteur.

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Model Military International No.42

The most dangerous threats to soldiers serving today in Iraq and Afghanistan are Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), Explosively Formed Projectiles (EFPs) and small arms fire. Since the start of the operation on 20 March 2003, a huge number of Coalition forces' casualties in Afghanistan and Iraq have been a result of the growing guerilla war and increasing IED threat. The wheeled vehicles in service simply could not withstand the blast of lEDs detonating from below. With its flat bottom and soft-skinned plastic doors, a Humvee struck by a land mine or IED would most likely result in the death of the passengers and the vehicle destroyed beyond repair. The EFPs recently used by insurgents in theater are much more dangerous than common lEDs which are mostly designed around an artillery or mortar round. The EFP charges are generally cylindrical, fabricated from commonly available metal pipes, with the forward end closed by a concave copper or steel disk-shaped liner to create a shaped charge. The explosive material is loaded behind the metal liner to fill the pipe.

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Scale Modeling Tips and Techniques

Having modeling trouble? Looking for a better or easier way to build? Perhaps you have something special in mind, but you're not sure how to get the effect you're after. Here's the answer! SCALE MODELING TIPS AND TECHNIQUES is the best of "Tips and Techniques," a regular feature of FINESCALE MODELER Magazine. The column relies on FSM's readers to share new, innovative, and sometimes unorthodox modeling methods. We've taken 10 years of "Tips" and put them between these covers to give you an easy-to-use reference. The handy hints are illustrated with more than 150 drawings and photos. The next time a modeling problem has you stumped, pause for a moment, take a deep breath, and reach for this book. Whether you are a novice or a Michelangelo, there is something here for you - something that will make you shake your head and say, "Why didn't I think of that!"

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Modelar 2010-04

Jak bylo avizováno a k mé nesmírné radosti jsou v krabici skutečně dvě stavebnice motocyklu, samozřejmě i s fotolepty a obtisky na dva stroje. Má to hned dvě výhody. Pokud někdo nebude chtít stavět oba stroje, tak se může podělit s kolegou, případně se mohou dva modeláři rovnou složit na koupi stavebnice, a tím výrazně ušetřit, i když cena není nikterak vysoká. Ten, kdo si ponechá (jako já) motocykly oba, při stavbě prvního stroje objeví všechna úskalí stavby a stavba druhého je pak již procházkou růžovým sadem. Obsah krabičky ještě doplňuje naprosto přehledný návod, standardní rámeček s britskou pěchotní výbavou, již Bronco do svých stavebnic vkládá, a jež je vítaným doplňkem, a také tři figury. Mám dojem, že jsou to první stříkané figury této firmy, přesto mají velmi vysokou kvalitu. Při prohlídce rámečků musím opět konstatovat to samé, co v recenzi předcházející stavebnice firmy Bronco - kanónu Bofors.

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Military Modelling 2003-11

Although designed as a Light Tank, when first introduced into British service in late 1941 the M3 Stuart was used as a Medium or Cruiser tank. However, as the Grant, Sherman and later Crusaders with bigger guns came into use, the Stuart was relegated to traditional light tank roles. Some were used as Observation Post vehicles in Royal Artillery units in North Africa in 1942, but the use of the Stuart as a reconnaissance tank was formalized by changes to the structure of British Armoured Regiments in late 1943. This added light tanks to their organization, the three Regiments in an Armoured Brigade (whether it was part of an Armoured Division or an independent Brigade) having eleven each, while the Armoured Reconnaissance Regiment in an Armoured Division had 30. With the Stuart's 37mm gun no longer being effective against enemy armour, the decision was made to remove the turrets and rebuild them into specialist 'recce tanks.' In fact, in the later stages of the North African campaign some were already being used without turrets, photos show the Royal Scots Greys and Nottinghamshire Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry having such vehicles. Both were M3 Stuarts with riveted hulls and may have been made by the units themselves using old and maybe damaged tanks.

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Model Military International No.39

Compétiteur du programme de chasseur léger LWF/ACF lancé par l'USAF à la fin 1971, le YF-17 Cobra de Northrop vole le 9 avril 1974. Ce biréacteur caractérisé par un apex (surface portante en avant de l'aile) qui améliore la portance est le premier chasseur américain capable de franchir Mach 1 sans réchauffe. En 1975, il est retenu par l'US Navy, invitée par le Congrès des Etats-Unis à transformer le YF-16, choisi par l'armée de l'air, en NACF (chasseur et avion d'attaque embarqué). Associé à Northrop, Me Donnell Douglas navalise le Cobra qui devient le Hornet ou « Frelon ». Trois variantes, un chasseur, F-18, un avion d'attaque, A-18, un biplace d'entraînement, TF-18, sont envisagées pour remplacer les F-4 Phantom, A-4 Skyhawk et A-7 Cor-sair de l'US Navy et de l'US Marine Corps. Les progrès de l'électronique permettent de s'en tenir au F/A-18A dont l'avionique est adaptée au combat aérien et à l'attaque. Le second poste du F/A-18B est installé sans allonger la cellule, il ne réduit les réserves de carburant que de 6 %. Le prototype vole le 18 novembre 1978, neuf monoplaces et deux biplaces rassemblés à Patuxent River effectuent jusqu'en juin 1981 3583 heures d'essais qui révèlent de nombreux problèmes dont le faible taux de roulis, amélioré en redessinant le bord d'attaque de voilure, en augmentant la taille des ailerons, en modifiant le logiciel des commandes de vol.

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Wing Masters No.38

Compétiteur du programme de chasseur léger LWF/ACF lancé par l'USAF à la fin 1971, le YF-17 Cobra de Northrop vole le 9 avril 1974. Ce biréacteur caractérisé par un apex (surface portante en avant de l'aile) qui améliore la portance est le premier chasseur américain capable de franchir Mach 1 sans réchauffe. En 1975, il est retenu par l'US Navy, invitée par le Congrès des Etats-Unis à transformer le YF-16, choisi par l'armée de l'air, en NACF (chasseur et avion d'attaque embarqué). Associé à Northrop, Me Donnell Douglas navalise le Cobra qui devient le Hornet ou « Frelon ». Trois variantes, un chasseur, F-18, un avion d'attaque, A-18, un biplace d'entraînement, TF-18, sont envisagées pour remplacer les F-4 Phantom, A-4 Skyhawk et A-7 Cor-sair de l'US Navy et de l'US Marine Corps. Les progrès de l'électronique permettent de s'en tenir au F/A-18A dont l'avionique est adaptée au combat aérien et à l'attaque. Le second poste du F/A-18B est installé sans allonger la cellule, il ne réduit les réserves de carburant que de 6 %. Le prototype vole le 18 novembre 1978, neuf monoplaces et deux biplaces rassemblés à Patuxent River effectuent jusqu'en juin 1981 3583 heures d'essais qui révèlent de nombreux problèmes dont le faible taux de roulis, amélioré en redessinant le bord d'attaque de voilure, en augmentant la taille des ailerons, en modifiant le logiciel des commandes de vol.

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Military Miniatures in Review No.03

Modern American armor modelers rejoice! AFV Club has just released an excellent set of link-to-link T-97 tracks. This is the early chevron track utilized on M48's, M60's and M88 recovery vehicles. This beautifully detailed track set replaces the band-type vinyl tracks currently provided by plastic kit manufacturers—i.e. Tamiya's M48A3, M60A1, and M60A2 Patton kits. Tamiya's M60-A3, and Sergeant York kits provide the more modern T-142 track. ESCI provides the T-142 track, but in styrene, and it builds up in sections rather than link-by-link. The release of this kit means that we can do away with the old vinyl track which typically suffers from terrible seams along its edges, at times with flash, which because of the nature of the material, often proves too difficult and time consuming to remove.

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miniReplika 61

Od wielu lat zajmuję się modelami, przeglądam czasopisma, informacje na stronach internetowych, rozmawiam z innymi modelarzami. Różne są gusty, ale powtarzają się zdania określające niektóre samoloty mianem ładnych, inne - brzydkich. Utarła się opinia, że F-105 należy do tych pierwszych, mi natomiast zupełnie się nie podoba. Z kolei A-7, który ma nawet przydomek SLUF - Short Little Ugly Fellow (krótki mały szkaradny koleś), zawsze urzekał mnie swoją sylwetką. Do brzydali zaliczany jest również Westland Wyvern, i mimo, że nie zachwyca mnie on jak np. Spitfire, to jednak podoba mi się. Samoloty okresu powojennego nie cieszą się wśród modelarzy, a zatem producentów, wielką popularnością. Dlatego też w skali 1/48 można było wykonać replikę Wyverna tylko z vacuformy Dyna-vector. Chciałem się zmierzyć z tym zestawem, ale dostępność wyrobów tej firmy nie jest zbyt duża, za to cena wprost przeciwnie. Długo trwała posucha, aż tu nagle model pojawił się w zapowiedziach Classic Airframes, a zaraz potem Trumpetera. Nie skusiłem się na tą pierwszą pozycję, mimo że pojawiła się wcześniej.

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Modell Militar International No.02

Zu diesem Diorama kam ich wie die Jungfrau zum Kind. Mir stellte sich die Frage nach meinem nächsten Projekt und als ich so durch meinen Berg von ungebauten Modellen stöberte, blieb mein Blick immer öfter an Tamiyas FAMO hangen. Meine Frau hatte dafür nur einen lapidaren "Den habe ich Dir schon vor Jahren gekauft!"-Spruch übrig. Das stimmte und ich bekam ein schlechtes Gewissen, sodass ich mich mit dem Gedanken vertraut machte, den FAMO aus seinem Stapel zu befreien und ihn in ein Diorama zu verfrachten. Und hatte ich da nicht vor einiger Zeit mal einige sehr günstige Häuser im passenden Maßstab erstanden? Ich haue und so kam es, dass ich begann, erste Zeichnungen von der fertigen Szenerie anzufertigen, um ein Gefühl für die Gestaltung auf Aufteilung zu bekommen. Anders als vielleicht gewohnt, möchte ich hier nicht unbedingt eine detailierte "Wie mache ich was"-Anleitung geben, als Ihnen vielmehr Einblick in meine Gedanken bei Gestaltung und Bau geben. Wie bei allem im Modellbau so sind auch Dioramen eine sehr subjektive Angelegenheit und Meinungen sowie Empfindungen können stark differieren. Dennoch gibt es ein paar Faustregeln, die beachtet werden müssen, wenn eine fertige Szene gut aussehen soll.

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Wing Masters No.12

La meilleure preuve de cet élargissement des centres d'intérêt nous a été donnée cette année par le fait que c'est une maquette d'avion, une superbe création au 1/48; qui a reçu le Grand Prix (Best of Show) toutes catégories du concours organisé pendant ce Mondial. D'autre part, on a pu noter la présence de maquettistes étrangers, participation qui contribue à désenclaver ce loisir en France tout en haussant substantiellement le niveau des réalisations présentées. Cet événement, qui eut lieu les 4, 5 et 6 juin derniers, a connu une forte présence d'artisans français et étrangers ainsi que de revendeurs qui proposaient au public venu nombreux un grand choix de produits (maquettes, accessoires et documentation). Pour la première fois un grand fabricant de maquettes; Heller en l'occurrence, s'était associé à l'événement en organisant la finale de son concours national pendant cette manifestation, ce qui permit à des maquettistes venant de toutes les régions de France de s'illustrer au travers de modèles montés « sortis de boîte » (Canadair CL 415 pour la catégorie « avions ») et de gagner ainsi des prix plutôt motivants comme dos voyages au Canada ou en Guyane française pour les plus chanceux.

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Sky Model No.33

Terminata la colorazione, è stata stesa una mano di trasparente lucido Aeromaster per preparare il modello alla posa delle decal e dei lavaggi. Per evitare il silvering, tutte le decal provenienti dal foglio della Tauromodel art 72/535 - per l'SM 79 sono state scontornate attentamente. Fissate le decal, è stato eseguito un lavaggio ad olio di terra d'ombra bruciata + nero per evidenziare le linee di pannellatura. Eliminato l'eccesso del lavaggio è stata data un'ulteriore mano di trasparente lucido per proteggere le insegne e quindi una mano di opaco Aeromaster prima del drybrush. Questo è stato effettuato con un pennello piatto rigido misura zero con colori Humbrol a smalto. Le macchie sono state leggermente scalfite simulando il distacco di piccole parti di colore. L'invecchiamento si completa realizzando alcune leggere scrostature sulle poche parti metalliche dell'aereo con un grigio scuro.

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Scale Aviation Modeller International 2002-08

This kit is supplied in a large (for the size of the kit) box and a brief history is given on the side. Inside are the instructions, a decal sheet, and three plastic bags. The first bag contains a grey injection-moulded sprue with only a little visible flash and nice engraved detail. Some of the pour gates are quite large and will require careful trimming. The second bag holds the resin pieces for the cockpit detail, machine guns and the rotary engine. The final bag contains the etched-brass detail set and an acetate film for the instrument panel. No pilot or observer figures are supplied. I was under the impression that the 1 1/2 Strutter was a two-seat aircraft until I did some research and found it was produced in both a single and two seat configuration. When it entered service in 1916 it was the first aircraft to have air brakes and a variable incidence tailplane. It was also the first British aircraft to use the synchronised machine gun to fire through the propeller arc.

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Displaying Your Model

I think I should start by saying that in this book I'm setting out to achieve the rather difficult task of creating a work that will be of help, or at least of interest, to a wide readership ranging from the beginner to the more experienced modeller. Many of us build models just for the fun of it, and then put them on a shelf and derive pleasure from simply looking at them, but now and then we get the urge to enter one in a competition and have our work judged by our peers. Whether this is a local club event, a large national show or even an international such as EuroMilitaire, that is the moment when we want our model - figure, vignette or diorama - to be presented in the best way. The choices we make about how the model is to be 'displayed' obviously cannot be a separate afterthought, and should usually be integral to the planning of the piece from the early stages. They can add to the appeal even of a single figure or vehicle, and become more important the larger the vignette or diorama is to be. An added dimension over recent years is the question of model photography, which is itself a type of 'display'. Nowadays quite sophisticated digital photographic effects are increasingly available and affordable, and while I have not gone into technicalities in this book the presentation of some of the photos provided for it by fellow modellers makes this relevant.

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Model Graphix 2010-06

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Modelling the US Army M4 (75MM) Sherman Medium Tank

The Sherman was the most widely used Allied tank of World War 11 and was built in larger numbers than all German tanks combined. Due to the enormity of the subject, this book takes a look at part of the Sherman story in World War 11, the 75mm gun versions used by the US Army in the European Theater of Operations (ETO). The primary focus of this book is on 1/35 scale, but with the revival of 1/48-scale kits from Tamiya and Hobby Boss, a 1/48-scale project is also included. In 1942, the US Army decided to limit its combat use of the Sherman to versions with the R-975 radial engine, namely the M4 and M4A1 tanks. These two types are in fact identical except that the M4A1 used a cast upper hull while the M4 used a welded hull. Other types of Shermans, such as the diesel-powered M4A2 and the M4A4 with the Chrysler multi-bank engine, were reserved for Lend Lease, though the US Army did use some for training in the United States. So for most of the combat from Operation Torch in November 1942 through the Italian campaign, and up to D-Day and the campaign in France, the M4 and M4A1 were the standard US Army types.

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FineScale Modeler - Painting Tips

Although my father and I have both recently returned to the hobby he introduced me to as a boy, I knew from his daily calls that his new hobby room would not be up and running when I arrived. What could I build on a sunny, sandy beach in south Florida? Something straight out of the box might be good. I couldn't imagine even my wife's hawk eyes finding any lost photoetched parts in the sand, so box-stock it would be. I know many modelers don't find it challenging to build straight out of the box, so I decided this particular piece would be primarily a painting project. After surveying my small collection of German armor for this painting exercise, I began to see I had a particular repetitive style of painting camouflage. I began to think that maybe we develop a personal style of painting camouflage, not too dissimilar to our own penmanship. "Here is my painting challenge," I thought. Having assembled my Tamiya Panzer IV (kit No. 35181) in Florida, I began my painting project back in Chicago. I decided I would use Silly Putty as a mask to paint each of my camouflage patterns by pushing and pulling the putty to produce shapes and contours that my particular style would not normally create. I was quite pleased with the results of this simple technique.

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