Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Great Fighters of The World

Of all the numerous types of flying machines produced since the first days of powered flight, it is the fighter aircraft that capture peoples' imagination more than any other. Great Fighters of the World: From the Red Barons Triplane to the Raptor tells the stories of the most famous of these awe-inspiring machines; highlighting their influence on the conflicts they fought in. From the first true dogfighters through to the cutting edge machines of today this title recalls the technology, triumph and tragedy of aerial warfare. However, every aircraft is only as good as its operator, so we also pay homage to some of the greatest airmen of their day. From the iconic Manfred von Richthofen: the so-called Red Baron and highest-scoring ace of the First World War, through to British Harrier Jump-Jet pilots of the 1982 Falklands conflict, we recall gripping combat stories that capture the sacrifice and spirit of generations of fighter 'jocks' from many different nations.

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