The first time I had the pleasure of seeing a Harrier, I must have been no more than ten years of age, but the impression that it left on me resulted in an abiding love affair that has persisted to this day. Over the intervening years I've built many models of this aircraft, from Airfix' Superkit 1:24 GR.l through to an odd little Crown kit in 1:144. I must have built dozens, most of which have ended up in the bin, given away, or stored in boxes in the loft. Several years ago, Airfix released the first of what was to be a series of Harriers, offering the modelling world a couple of Sea Harriers (FRS.1 and FA.2), before tackling the GR.7/9. A very fine kit, this finally allowed me to add this second generation Harrier to my collection and once completed, the decision was made to build the same aircraft for an expanding group of 1:48 modern jets, this time using Revell's reboxed and carefully reworked, Harrier GR.7. Revell's kit replicates the GR.7 and as such, offers decals for three aircraft, two from No.41 Squadron and one from No.4 Squadron. Though these options were interesting, it was decided that something a little different would be more fun and so we chose a Harrier GR.9 fitted with a 100% LERX (the kit offers only the 65% LERX panel) and as many modern fittings such as Sniper and DJRP as we could find, along with some additional weapons which would be decided upon as the build progressed.
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