Monday, August 12, 2013

RC Model Flyer 09/2013

Wow! Some of you actually chose to come back and read part 2! Well, thank you for that and I hope part 1 was not too much hard work! I must apologise now though, as part 2 is going to consist of more words than photos, I am afraid. I will try to keep this as short as possible, but the first area of getting into jets that I am going to cover here is a big one - it's the powerplant itself. The jet, the turbine, the engine, the motor, the gas turbine... - whatever you choose to call it, the turbine is probably the single most important component involved in operating any jet-powered model. I like to think I have a fairly good idea of which turbines are available on the commercial model market right now. With that in mind, and by doing a quick mental tally in my head, I can come up with over 20 turbine manufacturers that I know of who are trading today. I am sure there are more, but likely not too many. Out of those 20,1 have owned and operated a number of different turbines from at least 13 of them.

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