The build begins with the lower hull and the drive train, which is elaborate even though you see just a little bit protruding out from the wheels. This vehicle is destined to eventually sit on a base so I decided to manually adjust the height of some of the wheels, by trimming the shock absorbers, just to be a little more realistic. After the drive train was assembled, I moved the rear of the vehicle. The grab handles around the rear door were not moulded very well so I decided to make new ones from plastic rod. These were bent and shaped using the heat from a soldering iron and then trimmed to the correct length before installing. There are also two gas/water can racks on the rear door, and you get a choice of styrene or etch for these. I chose the etched ones as the scale of the styrene was a little too thick. But first I plugged the rack holes on the back of doors with stretched sprue and sanded them flat. Now I could make the etched racks. I first removed the burrs with a small file and then bent each piece using an 'Etchmate' in order to obtain the correct angles, and I also wanted them to be a 'solid piece' so I soldered them together instead of using superglue.
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