Replicating the short-bodied M2(A1), the kit provides everything that you'll probably ever need to build a highly detailed model of this attractive vehicle - Photos 1 & 2. The '2 in 1' tag that accompanies the kit's main titling -along with the progressively familiar "Smart Kit' logo... leads the way to a kit that allows the production of the standard M2 with its low-profile lines, .30 Cal armament and nose mounted roller and the beefier A1 version, with pulpit mounted .50 Cal and nose mounted winch, set into a very large extension to the basic chassis. Along the way, all of the relevant internal changes are also possible, all of which are highlighted in the well-drawn instructions. Well appointed from the ground up, there is so little missing as to be almost irrelevant -unless you really must have every minute detail in place in your kits - making this a perfect 'out-of-the-box' build. From front to back, top to bottom. you'll find a complete chassis Photos 3 & 4, well appointed engine - invisible on the completed model unless you take a razor saw to the bonnet sections - sensational tracks and roadwheels, Photo 5, excellent interior and beautifully rendered body work and small details, such as the .30 and .50 Cal machine guns and their mounts.
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