Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hasegawa Catalog 2008

HASEGAWA produces more than 350 different models, which over a wide range of fascinating subjects such as aircraft, automobiles, ships and military vehicles. These are produced in several scale sizes, so when you look at completed HASEGAWA model, you see commitment to accuracy and realistic appearance. Accuracy is a prime factor when HASEGAWA designs a model to a specific scale. Secondly, HASEGAWA models are easy to construct and detail, making them ideal for beginners or advanced professionals. HASEGAWA has a following of modelers, not only in Japan, but from around the world, and pledges to continue its policy of developing and producing the finest models for your continued hobby enjoyment. 1:48 and 1:72 scales are the internationally accepted sizes to model aircraft in, HASEGAWA has consistently invested in the costly tooling of 1/48 scale models, expanding its series to include fighters from World War II. as well as helicopters and the latest jet aircraft in use today. The accuracy of outline and molded surface detail of the highest quality. Both beginner and expert alike are able to produce aircraft models with the atmosphere of the original subject.

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