Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Steel Art No.61

Prima di iniziare a pianificare e costruire un diorama, elaboro una storia, simile ad un cortometraggio. Sulla base di questa storia decido quali mezzi, figurini e altri elementi avrei utilizzato. Poiché durante la costruzione sono solito effettuare numerosi montaggi a secco per provare il bilanciamento della scena, qua e la si modificano alcuni dettagli, anche se la storia di base continua a svolgere la sua funzione di guida per la realizzazione del diorama. Il protagonista stavolta è un tardo Sturmgeschütz IV, da qualche parte nella Germania occidentale, poco dopo la fine della guerra. Prima il mezzo era appartenuto ad un'unità tedesca in costante ritirata davanti alle forze americane. Nascosto dietro ad una massicciata ferroviaria, l'equipaggio aspettava i mezzi alleati in avanzata prima di aprire il fuoco. Può darsi che due o tre colpi siano andati a segno, poi però, il mezzo tedesco era stato attaccato sul fianco sinistro. La fuga in avanti, attraverso la massicciata ferroviaria era stata fermata da un colpo messo a segno sul vano motore di sinistra, che aveva anche tranciato il cingolo. Lo StuG scivolava quindi lungo la massicciata fermandosi. "Fuori di qui!" mentre l'equipaggio fuggiva, un altro colpo colpì lo scafo facendo saltare il serbatoio sotto la camera di combattimento. Anche se il mezzo era parzialmente in fiamme, fu oggetto di un terzo colpo nella casamatta. A causa del fuoco le munizioni esplosero scoperchiando la sovrastruttura e strappando parti della copertura anteriore.

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Steel Masters No.90

Le montage s'effectue sans trop de problèmes. Après de fastidieuses heures de décarottage, d'ébavurage et de ponçage des pièces, l'assemblage peut commencer. Les différentes parties s'ajustent bien mais, pour plus de réalisme, j'ai néanmoins dû refaire toutes les lignes de soudure de la caisse et des flotteurs avant et arrière à l'aide de tiges de plastique étiré gravées à chaud. Quelques modifications supplémentaires ont été apportées. Les pots d'échappement sertis de leurs grilles en résine ont été poncés pour éliminer la partie grille celle-ci étant remplacée par une autre en photodécoupe issue du set Eduard consacré au type 97. Le canon en résine, peu réaliste, a été avantageusement remplacé par un canon en métal de chez Finemolds. Le montage des chenilles fut l'opération la plus longue, ne souhaitant pas couper et souder des chenilles vinyles je me suis orienté vers des chenilles patin par patin, le choix se réduisant à une version plastique de chez Show-Modelling difficile à trouver en France et à celles proposées en métal par Friulmodel, j'ai donc opté pour ces dernières à l'assemblage exemplaire et, l'artisan transalpin ayant eu la bonne idée de rajouter des patins supplémentaires, avec deux boîtes complètes on peut alors réaliser les chenilles du Ka-Chi avec, en prime, suffisamment d'éléments restants pour « chausser » la maquette Tamiya du type 97.

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FineScale Modeler 07 2004

The passing of Francis "Gabby" Gabreski in January 2002 brought Hasegawas bubbletop Thunderbolt to the top of my "to do" list. I just had to model Gabreski's famous field-camouflaged P-47D. I chose Hasegawa's kit because it was well-detailed, fit nearly perfecdy, and was easy to build. I found only one error that had to be corrected: The supports for the belly tank were too long. If they were placed as intended, the tank would have touched the ground. I cut them down so the tank would sit properly. As good as Hasegawa's kit was, I just couldn't leave well enough alone. I added a True Details resin cockpit (No. 48483) and wheels (48009), and installed more detail on the engine and landing gear. To this day, it is uncertain whether the bottom of Gabreski's P-47 was camouflaged, but the fuselage and upper surfaces appear to have been painted in RAF medium sea gray and dark green. I decided to go with the unpainted natural-metal bottom. Let me show you how I detailed and painted Gabby's Jug.

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Monday, March 29, 2010

Armor Conversion and Detailing Projects

The Sherman tank wasn't the biggest or the best, but it was relentless in both numbers and reliability. It carved its name in history, "Built like a Sherman tank!" The Sherman rivals the Russian T-34 as the most-produced tank in history; more than 49,000 were built. I wanted to build the first of the line, an M4. (The M4 wasn't the first version produced—the M4A1 and the M4A2 actually came off the production lines earlier—but the M4 was the first Sherman standardized as a production design.) Information on the M4 Sherman is a good-news bad-news situation. The good news is that many excellent books and articles exist dealing with the Sherman; the bad news is that none of these sources is definitive and you may need several publications to find details on a particular variant. Many examples of Shermans still exist and can be studied, but many of these are test vehicles, one-off modifications, or other deviations from production standards. I found only one photo of the particular version I was interested in, so I assume few actually were produced.

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Steel Masters Hors-Series No.05

Le 28 mai, alors que les évacuations alliées ont déjà commencé, le 1. Panzerdivision attaque vers Dunkerque, son avant-garde parvenant à seulement sept kilomètres des faubourgs de la ville. La défense du camp retranché est relativement bien organisée et de nombreux matériels interviennent ; ainsi, une automitrailleuse Panhard, sans doute en reconnaissance dans le secteur, a dû affronter l'avance ennemie. Le véhicule, rapidement submergé, a été abandonné sur le bas côté, mais la résistance reste vivace. Un Panzer II Ausf.c vient couvrir les fantassins en difficulté. L'assaut final doit commencer le 30 mai. La réduction de la poche de Dunkerque coûtera très cher aux Alliés: si les Britanniques parviennent à sauver le maximum de leurs troupes, ils devront abandonner tout leur matériel lourd autour de la zone de réembarquement. Sur les 338 682 hommes évacués des plages, le nombre de soldats français reste tout à fait honorable: 123 095 soldats, contrairement aux idées reçues qui laissaient penser que les marins britanniques refusaient de prendre des Français à leur bord. Mais tous les soldats français n'étaient pas coinçés autour de Dunkerque, et la plupart de ceux qui seront faits prisonniers ailleurs passeront les quatre ou cinq années suivantes dans les Stalags allemands...

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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Euromodelismo 164

Eduard ha posibilitado que en los últimos años podamos disfrutar de maquetas a 1/48 que hace una década hubieran parecido impensables. Pero no sólo eso, sino que además su nivel de calidad ha ido mejorando progresivamente, hasta alcanzar una calidad que creíamos era asumible únicamente por las grandes marcas niponas. Además, con la aparición de las versiones Profipack de cada modelo y por solamente un precio algo superior, disponemos en el mismo kit de los fotograbados, máscaras de pintura, calcas variadas y otros accesorios que nos ayudarán a mejorar nuestra maqueta. Siempre me han llamado la atención los aviones como este, más minoritarios pero con un enorme atractivo, como en este caso por reflejar en sus líneas su ascendente sobre el famoso Bf 109. Me decidí por hacer la versión tropical y por ello utilicé la caja "normal" de Eduard, que trae calcas para el avión utilizado en la operación sobre Fort-Lamy.

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FineScale Modeler 07 2005

Derek Brown has a habit of stirring things up at the IPMS/USA Nationals. No model at the 2004 meeting in Phoenix, Ariz., created quite as much buzz on the contest floor as his 1/72 scale MlAl(HA) Abrams main battle tank. The 6"-long model had attendees squinting to appreciate its jewellike details, among them its fully outfitted engine compartment (with a removable engine) and photoetched-brass mine plow. The model created an even bigger stir during the awards ceremony when it claimed the event's top prize, the George Lee Judges' Grand award. Although it was the first time the Judges' Grand award had gone to a small-scale armor piece, it wasn't the first time the award had gone to Derek - with the Abrams win, he became the first four-time winner of the Judges' Grand. At previous Nationals, he took home top honors for a 1/72 scale Ki-46 III Dinah twin-engine reconnaissance aircraft (Sept. 1996 FSM), his 1/48 scale SH-3H Sea King helicopter (May'98 FSM), and his one-of-a-kind, scratchbuilt 1/350 scale USS Texas battleship (Jan.'03 FSM).

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Friday, March 26, 2010

Steel Masters Hors-Series No.18

S'il suffit d'une carte au millionième pour apprécier, d'un seul coup d'oeil, les résultats obtenus par l'offensive d'hiver soviétique durant le premier trimestre de l'année 1944, il faut se munir d'une carte au cent millièmes si l'on veut, parallèlement, suivre les progrès des forces alliées en Italie. Et encore, à cette échelle, les topographes n'ont-ils pas pu faire figurer les noms de toutes les localités et de toutes les hauteurs que vous trouverez dans cet article! Il n'est donc pas étonnant, qu'à cette époque, un caricaturiste allemand représentait par un dessin resté fameux, la botte italienne remontée par un escargot coiffé de la casquette du commandant en chef des forces britanniques, le général Alexander. Du côte des Alliés, à la même période, l'opinion publique ne se gênait pas pour exprimer sa déception, et même son aigreur, vis à vis des maigres résultats engrangés par la stratégie anglo-américaine sur le champ d'opérations méditerranéen. En outre, à Washington comme à Londres, les dirigeants politiques et militaires ne pouvaient se débarrasser de ce véritable complexe de frustration en faisant état de l'énorme travail d'organisation, d'instruction et de préparation qui allait bientôt porter ses premiers fruits, à l'aube du 6 juin 1944.

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FineScale Modeler 01 2004

Like many readers of Fine-Scale Modeler, Brian James likes to model aircraft he remembers from his youth. Jets were the big thing in the 1950s, so that's where Brian concentrates his modeling efforts. His first kit was a Revell F-89D Scorpion from 1957. "I still have the original instruction sheet," Brian notes. He remembers buying kits at local convenience stores and hardware stores. "Somehow, I was able to scrape together 89 cents," the Tecumseh, Ontario, resident says. Brian likes those early British and American jet fighters, especially the natural-metal ones. "I think the Sabre and Super Sabre arc two of the classic jet fighters of all time," he asserts. His Monogram 1/48 scale F-100D Super Sabre is his favorite model. His interest also includes World War II aircraft. "If the subject is right, I will build in any scale. I tend to do more in 1/72 scale due to space limitations. I've dabbled in military figures and knights in armor - there's that natural-metal finish again!"

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Euromodelismo 149

M¡entras el F2F iniciaba su carrera operativa, la compañía Grumman ya había comenzado el desarrollo de un nuevo tipo mejorado, el GIL más conocido bajo la designación F3F. Similar en apariencia a su antecesor, el F3F tenía el fuselaje alargado y una mayor envergadura, características que además de mejorar su rendimiento convertían al avión en una plataforma mucho mas estable. La construcción del F3F era extremadamente sólida, con el fuselaje de aluminio y las alas recubiertas de tela, permitiéndole resistir esfuerzos estructurales de hasta nueve "g", similares al de aviones actuales como el F-18 Hornet. El F3F sentó las bases para el desarrollo de los nuevos modelos de Grumman, aportando elementos distintivos tales como el característico tren de aterrizaje retráctil, patente de Grumman que posteriormente equiparía al inconfundible F4F Wildcat. Las magníficas cualidades de estos biplanos permitieron que en 1942 todavía hubiese un total de ciento cuarenta Grumman F2F y F3F en servicio.

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Steel Masters Hors-Series No.17

Une des conditions les plus importantes à une poursuite des opérations à l'Est avec quelques chances de succès est la puissance de l'arme blindée allemande, fer de lance de la Wehrmacht depuis le début de la guerre. Mais à la fin de 1942, les Panzer sont bien fatigués. Surclassés techniquement par les chars soviétiques, les blindés allemands sont loin des succès de 1940 et 1941. Les nouveaux matériels réclamés par les généraux du front en sont encore aux phases de test et loin d'être au point pour une production industrielle massive, qui est elle aussi en plein désarroi. La production en 1942 est de 4280 chars (dont 400 Panzer I1,2(K) Panzer 38 (t), 1 000 Panzer IV et le reste, c'est à dire une majorité, de Panzer III et 780 StuG III. Bien que cela représente 4,3 fois plus qu'en 1940, seuls les Panzer IV sont réellement à même de lutter, et encore, contre le redoutable T-34.

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Euromodelismo 148

Saipán, una de las islas más grandes y principal centro militar del archipiélago de las Marianas, está defendida por más de treinta mil hombres al mando del vicealmirante Chuichi Nagumo. el héroe de Pearl Harbor y el derrotado en Midway, asistido por el general Yoshitsugu Saito. La organización japonesa es eficaz, pero los planes de reforzar la defensa de Saipán con unidades traídas desde Manchuria han fracasado por culpa de los submarinos de la US Navy. causando la pérdida de bastante material. Así, varias unidades carecen de armas de fuego y todas están escasas de munición. Para la encarnizada lucha que se prevee, muchos soldados sólo disponen de improvisadas lanzas hechas con bayonetas y cañas de bambú. También se ha adoctrinado a la población civil, asegurándoles que los americanos no van a perdonar la vida a nadie. El 15 de junio de 1944 los Marines bajo el mando del general Holland Smith desembarcan en las playas de cabo Aftena cubiertos por un nutrido bombardeo naval y aéreo, pero las oleadas de asalto que forman los blindados anfibios quedan rotas en los arrecifes al carecer de potencia para superar los obstáculos antitanque. Más de dos mil Marines resultan heridos, pero a la caída de la noche ya han desembarcado unos veinte mil hombres.

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N-Scale 2009 11-12

First built for the Southern Pacific in 1909 to tame its tough western grades, the 2-8-8-2 articulated Mallet soon caught the attention of roads facing similar problems. In 1910, Norfolk and Western ordered five 2-8-8-2s (Class Y-1) similar to the SP models from Baldwin. By 1918, lessons learned from the first group led to an improved version, the Y-2; with minor changes to the cylinders, these became Class Y-2a, which served as the basis for the United States Railway Administration (USRA) 2-8-8-2. Although delivered too late for the war effort, the N&W received 50 of the USRA engines in 1919, which it classified as Y-3. In 1923, another 30 were ordered with larger tenders (Y-3a), followed by 10 more in 1927 fitted with feedwater heaters. This model is now available with our without Quantum® Sound & DCC, Traction Tires for Superior Pulling Power, Electrical Pickup on Loco & Tender, Accumate® Knuckle Couplers, Flywheel Equipped for Smooth Operation, Constant Intensity and Directional Headlights, RP-25 Wheels Operate on Code 55 or Larger Rail, Heavy Diecast, Split-Frame Chassis and a Powerful Skew-Wound Motor.

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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Armour Modelling Vol.82

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N Scale Railroading 2009 11-12

Certain railroad names and locations are iconic. Horseshoe Curve on the Pennsy, Tehachapi Loop on the Southern Pacific, Breakneck Mountain on the New York Central, Royal Gorge on the Rio Grande, or the Feather River Canyon on the Western Pacific conjure up images of sleek streamliners snaking through canyons and laboring freights blasting out of tunnels against a dramatic backdrop of towering rocks. Cajon Pass northeast of Los Angeles is one of these iconic areas and the most famous scene in Cajon Pass is Sullivan's Curve. After serving as an aerial photographer during the first World War, Herb Sullivan returned home to Palcentia, California, southeast of Los Angeles to manage his family's orange groves. His interest in photography continued and during his explorations in nearby Cajon Pass he was attracted by the wild, fanciful terrain of radically up-tilted sandstone rock formations. As the Santa Fe main line climbs out of the Los Angeles basin through Cajon Pass it makes a 180-degree curve at the base of two massive sandstone rock formations. Sullivan saw that the dramatic scene and the curve, allowing views of both sides of a passing train, made for the perfect "photo op."

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N-Scale 2009 09-10

Last month, N-Scale Magazine celebrated its 20th Anniversary. Wow, how things have changed. We have come a long way from the root of N scale in the 60's. There are many more manufacturers producing N scale products, offering the quality we desire. The number of people involved in N scale has grown immensely, producing some excellent layouts and modeling, and it has been an absolute joy to be part of. I hope to share another twenty-years with all of you. We attended the N-Scale Collector Convention in Portland, Oregon this summer. It was very nice meeting those of you who were able to attend. Despite the economy, the attendance was strong. I urge you to attend a convention whenever possible. The people you meet are always friendly, and the ideas and techniques you obtain, either from viewing the many layouts or attending a clinic, are immeasurable. The manufacturers are there with their latest new products, and make themselves available to answer all of your questions. This month's N'Sights column features the speaking notes provided by the manufacturers who spoke at the manufacturers breakfast.

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Monday, March 22, 2010

Railroad Model Craftsman 2009 12

The public has always been fond of special trains. Since the very first time some now unknown public relations employee thought of the idea, special trains, those that stand out from the everyday freight and passenger trains that help move America and its economy, have been crowd pleasers, attention getters, and wonderful sales tools. Throughout the history of railroading, somebody has always thought of using the rails to deliver a message. Think about it. Nothing but footnotes in the pages of history books, railfans can almost instantly remember some of the hundreds that have burnished the rails. Let's see, off the top of my head, there is The Baldwin Locomotive Works Prosperity Special of the 1920's, the Rexall Train of the 1930's, and General Motor's Train of Tomorrow in the 1940's. On the more sobering side, not to be forgotten, there are those that brought fallen presidents home for the last time.

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Steel Masters No.89

Le 24 novembre 1943, le GCFTA débarque dans la région de Naples et entre aussitôt en action pour protéger la zone de regroupement de la division au nord-ouest de la ville. Puis c'est la montée en ligne dans les Abruzzes et les deux premiers tués, le 13 décembre, lors d'un tir d'efficacité de l'artillerie ennemie. Le camion et sa pièce doivent subir des réparations. Le 22 mars 1944, la batterie abat un FW 190. Le 24 avril, « Condor » (nom de baptême du GMC) est accidenté et ne reprendra du service que le 8 mai. Le 18 mai 1944, alors que le capitaine est parti en reconnaissance, la colonne est arrêtée pendant deux heures à l'embranchement des routes venant d'Ausonia et d'Esperia (deux localités du Latium situées à environ 135 km de Rome). L'équipe du « Condor » se met en position pour parer à toute éventualité... Notre saynète prend place à ce moment alors que « Charmeur », le canon assigné au « Condor », n'est pas encore dételé. Prêt à engager l'ennemi, il protège la mise en batterie d'un autre canon du convoi.

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Steel Masters No.05

Début 1942, la Crimée inquiète le haut-commandement allemand. Cette presqu'île contrôle, grâce au port de Sébastopol, une grande partie de la Mer Noire et constitue, selon Hitler une base pour une offensive aérienne soviétique contre les puits de pétrole roumains, a l'instar des quelques attaques menées en juin l941. Or, fin décembre, l'assaut de la 11.Armee de Manstein contre Sébastopol s interrompt quand l'Armée Rouge débarque en force sur la péniasule de Kertch puis à Feodosia.au sudest de la Crimée. Les rares réserves germano-roumaines jugulent difficilement la crise initiale. mais Manstein doit tenir compte de cette nouvelle menace. Car le « Front de Crimée » se renforce, près de 100 000 hommes passant depuis le Caucase dans la péninsule de Kertch grâce à la mer gelée ! Il empêche dorénavant la 11.Armee de se concentrer contre Sébastopol. A la fin de l'hiver, aucun des deux camps n'a pris le dessus même si Féodosia est reconquise. Les combats se concentrent autour de l'isthme de Parpatch ou Manstein caresse un temps l'idée de détruire le Front de Crimée.

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Railroad Model Craftsman 2009 11

The shop has been getting the power ready for a road train. They have identified the locomotives that will be used, pulled them out from the ready tracks, and coupled them together in the proper order. Some of the units may be dropped off along the way to do switching at outlying yards, so it is important that they be arranged to facilitate any needed setout moves. The electrical m.u. jumpers have been connected, the air hoses made up, and the correct functioning of the air brakes has been confirmed. But, how can you be sure they will all carry "load?" A loading check was a frequently-employed prototype practice done to make sure that all the locomotives in a consist (all coupled and connected by m.u. jumper cables) will actually respond to the throttle and load without shutting down. All the units that will be operating as train power are put on line, the brakes are set, and the throttle advanced to a high notch for several seconds. The desired result is that all the locomotives produce power, and move (hopefully all in the same direction) against the applied brakes. Any unit that doesn't load is bad news. It is contributing nothing to the tractive effort of the lashup, and any unit that shuts down and alarms needs to be looked at before the locomotives are ready for the road job. It should be mentioned that this type of loading check has no relationship to load box testing, where a locomotive is connected by cables to a stationary set of resistance grids so that the prime mover and generator can be load tested without powering the traction motors.

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N Scale Railroading 2009 09-10

Using the small jeweler's screw driver, pry apart the zero friction truck, first on one side, then the other (see Figs. 14 and 15). The next step is to clean the trucks various parts. I find a pair of tweezers handy for removing the lint that is usually found in a set of trucks. I also use the tweezers to make sure the wheel wiper bearing pockets are clean of any lint (see Fig. 16 and 17). There may also be old grease that will need to be wiped off. I have noticed that locomotives made in China seem to have an excessive amount of grease applied, which could in time dry up, and affect performance, so while you have your trucks apart, check them out. This is also a good time to use a Micro-Trains coupler height gauge (part # 988 00 031) to check the gauge of the wheel sets. Once all the truck parts are clean and checked over, fill the wheel wiper's bearing pockets with Atlas Conducta Lube (# 192) and reassemble the trucks. The truck frame should just snap back onto the gear case. Remember to have it lined up so that the wheels' gears are above the cut-outs in the truck frame or it will never snap back together.

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Friday, March 19, 2010

Railroad Model Craftsman 2009 10

When railroads were a primary conduit for opening up the west, facilities-stations, water towers, roundhouses and division points-were pretty much mandated by the technology of the day. If contemporary locomotives needed water every 50 miles, for example, water towers were built every 50 miles or so. It didn't matter where they were built, or how hostile the environment, it was every 50 miles. In many cases, when railroads entered desolate or unsettled territory and made their presence known by erecting stations or train order shacks, towns of all stripes tended to spring up around them. So it was that in 1905 railroading came to Kelso, California. It was a wide spot in the road when a one-story, wood-frame station was built, and it is still a wide spot in the road today. Legend has it that local railroad workers at Siding 16 drew names out of a hat. The lucky piece of paper had the name "Kelso" on it, which, according to the National Park Service, stood for John Kelso. A town was born.

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FineScale Modeler 2004 05

Talal Chouman has a job most of us only dream of - he's not only a professional model maker, but his work at the University of Massachusetts Submillimeter-Wave Technology Laboratory gives him access to full-scale examples of the military's latest fighting vehicles. What more could a modeler ask for? Talal, 38, has built models since he was 10, and has built professionally for more than 17 years. His interest in AFVs and modeling doesn't end at 5 o'clock, though. His full-time passion for military hardware led him to scratchbuild this show-stop-ping 1/16 scale Operation Enduring Freedom Marine Corps LAV-25. Starting with four months of intensive research, Talal spent some 1,800 hours on the fully detailed, museum-scale model - that's an average of two hours a day for two-and-a-half years. Its not surprising when you look at the model. Constructed plate-by-plate just like the real vehicle, the model is a masterful assembly of styrene, acrylic, resin, brass, aluminum, and other media. The massive model features a fully detailed interior, one of Talal's favorite parts of the model.

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Euromodelismo 175

Este diorama está basado en el libro del reputado escritor Antony Beevor, Berlín, la caída 1945. Hay veces que la propia Historia nos estimula las ideas, que hay que desarrollar hasta encontrar una composición equilibrada que consiga contar una historia al que la mire. Una vez más, y disponiendo de unas medidas de 50 x 40 centímetros, me dispongo a realizar el "pedestal", el cual nos ayuda a visualizar el diorama, eleva la escena y la separa del "suelo", haciendo que nos centremos más en ella (al igual que un pedestal de una estatua de la calle). Lo realizamos elevando la base propiamente dicha unos 25 centímetros del tablero original, mediante DM de tres milímetros en todo su perímetro, al igual que en sus partes interiores para reforzar el apoyo del "techo". Pasamos después al embaldosado del suelo, siendo este una característica de este aeródromo en particular. Los llevamos a cabo con plasticard fino baldosa a baldosa, dejando una sutil separación entre ellas y confiriéndoles una forma ligeramente curva a la hora de pegarlas a la base. Se podría ahorrar mucho trabajo dibujando éstas con una cuchilla, pero lo que quiero conseguir es precisamente esa imperfección, huyendo de una perfecta colocación de las losetas las cuales tendrían un aspecto artificial. Después daremos un baño de putty con acetona y lijaremos de menos a más fina hasta quitar el exceso de material. Repasaremos con cuidado de nuevo, mediante una cuchilla, las uniones entre losetas.

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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Euromodelismo 173

El primero de sus tres prototipos, el XB-29, voló el 21 de septiembre de 1942 y en tan sólo 20 meses el ES-29 se encontraba realizando su primera misión operativa, todo un récord en aquella época para un avión de sus características. Una vez completado su diseño y puesta en marcha su producción en serie, se construyeron nuevas plantas de fabricación y se creó la que llegó a ser la mayor red del mundo de subcontratas para proporcionar los materiales y equipos necesarios, así como un gigantesco programa de entrenamiento militar. La producción en serie del Superfortress se realizó en cuatro plantas: Boeing-Wichita (B-29-BW), Boeing-Renton (B-29A-BN), Martin-Omaha (B-29-MO) y Bell-Marietta (B-29-BA y B-29B-BA). Externamente no existían diferencias visibles entre los B-29 construidos por Boeing-Wichita, Martin y Bell con los B-29, construidos por Boeing-Renton; sin embargo y debido al diferente proceso de fabricación y ensamblaje de las alas con el fuselaje, estos últimos tenían un pie más de envergadura, diferencia que por sí sola justificaba una nueva designación: B-29A.

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Railroad Model Craftsman 2009 09

Goshen (above) is on the Erie Railroad mainline in Orange County, New York, and in 1910 it had a population 3,500. In what may be the author's favorite hotel postcard, we see the St. Elmo Hotel "complex" fronting on Grand Street and the Erie depot. The St. Elmo, with its fancy shaded-letter sign, mansard roof and generally grand facade, was quite an enterprise in the town of Goshen. The August, 1910, Sanborn map for Goshen shows the St. Elmo as having a bar room and reading room at one end, a formal dining room (with kitchen annex behind) in the center and leased space to the Post Office and the Goshen Democrat newspaper! Centerville, South Dakota (pop. 1,500 in Jan., 1912), was a Chicago & North Western town (below). The railroad served four elevators, two coal dealers and a small Standard Oil tank farm. In the heart of all this commercial activity was the Turner House Hotel. Located at the corner of Broadway and Railroad St., it looked directly across Broadway at the depot. The front steps spill onto Broadway, and the street beside the long axis of the building is Railroad St. The hotel had signage indicating it had a lunch room to serve transient railway passengers. The first floor entrance at the end of the porch is to the salesman's sample room (very convenient!). The architecture of this steam-heated, electrically-lighted little jewel is unique. The broad porches on two levels are ideal train-watching spots, and the railed "widow's walk" above the third floor is very unusual for a hotel.

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Model Military International 02 2009

This is definitely one of those projects that you can't rush, even if you try! This is actually quiet a daunting model to build, it's not the size of it that's intimidating, it's more a case of 'at which point do you start painting and how best to tackle it?' No matter how I looked at it, I couldn't seem to be able to figure out the 'at which point to paint' some of the many subassemblies, that once fixed in place would need to be re-painted due to the fact some of these parts would need a filling to get an invisible join! I can also see this model consuming rolls of masking tape and being very time consuming to mask. Do I paint the dark grey bits first, and then mask them off before adding the Schnellbootweiss to the rest of the model or should I do it the other way around? Anyway enough about worrying that, I still have an awful lot of boat to build before I even get to the painting stage.
I have thought long and hard about how best to review this model. At first I was going to write it as a standard format article, but realised it would turn into a bit of an epic and become very word heavy and could quite easily become very boring to read through. In the end I thought it best to deal with it as a large Tech Guide. We will cover over the next couple of issues, depending on how quickly I can actually finish itf because I'm far from that stage at the moment!

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Euromodelismo 172

El motivo de este año no puede ser más carrero, un Pz. IV. su tripulación y los sufridos infantes que viajan encima. Se puede uno preguntar cómo una ¡dea tan manida al final se hace con el premio absoluto. Quizá sea por algo tan sencillo como la expresividad. Este mismo autor el año pasado nos sorprendió con una locomotora blindada alemana, pintada con una técnica muy peculiar que nos producía la impresión de que reproducía hasta la carbonilla de las chimeneas. Unas buenas figuras completaban el trabajo. Este año, Phil Stutcinskas se ha percatado de que los personajes tenían que tener tanto protagonismo como la máquina, y que el resto, carro incluido, debería ser el marco, mientras que el cuadro, o sea los protagonistas, eran las personas.El objetivo lo ha cumplido con creces, la composición y la interrelación de las figuras son de una perfecta conjunción, mucha transformación y modelado para llegar a esta solución, ya que la pintura gótica y algo tenebrísta resulta de una espectacularidad sobrecogedora. El grupo de figuras impresiona. donde ni una sola cara tiene la misma expresión.

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Scale Aviation Modeller International Vol.5 Issue 11

Great hopes for this lightweight fighter, for which orders in excess of 3,000 machines had been placed, were held by the Italian leadership when it first flew in late 1942, after the success of earlier models. Plans were also afoot for Italy's allies in the Axis pact, Germany and Japan, to begin building the SAI403 in large numbers. As it was mostly of wooden construction, the carpentry industry, thus far under-used in war production, could be utilised to build it without detracting from the production of all-metal aircraft. However, its career was curtailed by the Italian surrender in 1943, before it saw service, and as a result the type has 'disappeared' from the World War 2 aircraft listings. The parts are supplied in a small plastic bag in a rather tatty box and are not very inspiring. The beige resin mouldings contain a lot of flash and require cleaning up before construction can begin.

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Steel Masters No.88

A l'origine envisagée comme tenue de travail ou de corvée, mais certainement pas comme uniforme de base dédié au combat, la tenue Herringbone Twill en deux pièces distinctes (veste et pantalon) sera pourtant pratiquement de toutes les batailles engagées par le Marine Corps au cours de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Elle habille ainsi pour la première fois en nombre significatif, les fusiliers marins lors de la reconquête de l'atoll de Tarawa. Taillé dans un tissu à trames de chevrons au dessin distinct de celui de I'US Army (Cf Bibliographie page suivante), ce nouvel uniforme fut cependant remis en cause par les autorités supérieures du Corps, particulièrement lors des combats qui se déroulèrent su Betio. En effet au cours et peu après leur débarquement, les Marines pris sous le feu intense des défenseurs japonais, s'allégèrent rapidement en se débrêlant de leur paquetage afin d'éviter de couler ou pour accroître leur mobilité. Ainsi ne conservaientils que leur armement munitions et nourriture que les quelques poches de leur veste et pantalon HBT pouvaient contenir. Afin d'accroitre cette capacité d'emport, une nouvelle tenue sera envisagée, aboutissant à la création du modèle 1944.

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Verlinden Modeling Magazine Vol.9 No.1

The officer seen here wears reversible winter trousers and a camouflage tunic over his field blouse. The red piping on his cap indicates an artillery branch officer. Research indicates that the Wehrmacht came up with a wide variety of non-issue uniform items cut from the Splittermuster fabric, from capes to overalls to complete tanker uniforms. This officer is thus depicted, wearing a 1944 pattern jacket with flat pockets and no epaulettes. His Y-strap field harness is the canvas version, originally intended for tropical use but widely distributed in European theaters after 1943 due to leather shortages. They are easily identified by the stitched overlays on his chest straps. His Ml931 bread bag and Ml931 field flask are suspended from his pistol belt and worn outside the winter trousers, as is his sidearm. Most of the conversion centers around the waist. The Panzerjaeger Ostfront wears the large reversible smock over his trousers, so the figure's waist is a part of the upper torso. I positioned his legs and the torso from 861 next to a completed figure to achieve the proper height, and began filling the gap at his waist with discarded resin molding carriers. (When you cut those things off, save a few!) After firmly glueing with superglue, I began to pack Milliput around the waist, using nothing more than my hands and a wet paintbrush.

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Scale Aviation Modeller International 08 2005

Apparently, or so the demographics tell us, we don't build so many kits in the Summer. Who distilled this piece of nonsense, and from what, I cannot imagine, but the idea that all the plastic modellers of the world have put aside their scalpels and liquid poly, and taken advantage of the weather to enjoy a nice game of tennis seems unlikely. Strangely enough the manufacturers seem to have embraced the notion, and the flood of kits anticipated back in the spring has slowed to a thin trickle (mainly of Dassault Mirages), and the assumption seems to be that a languidly has pervaded the modelling space and dried up the last remnants of the foul gooey water in the bottom of the bowl on the workbench. Memo to self: Must change the decal water this year. Ironic really, when one considers the usual public perception of plastic modellers as pale cave-dwelling creatures who shun the light and toil away behind closed curtains. Could it be that the demographics are actually right, and that we are, in reality, a race of bronzed sun worshipping demi-gods?

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Euromodelismo 171

Tras el desembarco en Normandía el 6 de junio de 1944» todos los suministros aliados eran desembarcados en las playas y en los muelles Mulberry, estos últimos tan sólo parcialmente completados. El 19 de junio, el tiempo empeoró aún más y se desencadenó una tempestad que asoló el canal de la Mancha durante cuatro días, dañando gravemente los dos Mulberries y embarrancando unas 700 embarcaciones ligeras. El ritmo de desembarco se redujo en dos tercios. El Mulberry americano resultó tan dañado que fue abandonada su reparación. El 18 de junio, Montgomery había ordenado que los americanos conquistaran Cherburgo, aún en manos de los alemanes. Éste era el puerto más importante de la zona donde se esperaba poder desembarcar unas 150.000 toneladas en cuatro semanas. La fortaleza de Cherburgo se rindió al VII Cuerpo el 26 de junio, y aunque el puerto resistió un día más, fué destruido tan concienzudamente por los alemanes, que no pudo ser utilizado de manera completa hasta finales de septiembre.

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Verlinden Modeling Magazine Vol.8 No.4

The SiG33 has got to be the most UN-aerodynamic vehicle in history; fortunately, tanks need not be aerodynamic! However, for some reason or another it's one of my favorites. The Dragon/DML kit (#6042) is nicely molded with many parts including photo-etch. Assembly is easy and quick. Out of the box, it makes a nice kit, but I decided to go a step further here and there. Since I was going to display the tank with hatches open, I went to work on a partial interior. I added lots of small details and the rear assembly of the gun from a cannibalized Verlinden SiG 33 (#1001). Crank handles, radios, boxes, and levers were scavenged from the parts box and glued in logical areas. The interior was then sprayed an off-white with a touch of pink. A wash of Burnt Sienna oil paint and a drybrushing of flat white, and the tank was ready to be closed up. Outside, the fenders were replaced with those cut from lead foil. Hatches were detailed with spare parts for levers and copper wire handles. The stowage bin lid was replaced with a thinner one cut from plasticard. The bin was filled with equipment and gear.

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Monday, March 15, 2010

Euromodelismo 170

Diethelm von Eichel-Streiber nació el 10 de agosto de 1914 en Oppers-haussen, en la región de Thüringen. Participó en la Guerra Civil española como piloto de bombardero en la Legión Cóndor, consiguiendo la Spanienkreutz de oro con diamantes por los servicios prestados. A partir de la primavera de 1940 Von Eichel-Streiber sirvió en el Stab III/JG52 y en 1941 alcanzó el grado de adjuntant sirviendo en el III/JG77. Durante la invasión de Grecia y Creta consiguió su primera victoria aérea al derribar un Hurricane el 14 de mayo de 1941. Sin embargo, su avión resultó gravemente dañado y es aquí donde entra la anécdota que me animó a representar el Bf I09E-7 de este piloto alemán. Aquel mismo día, en la base griega de Molaoi, los cazas de la Luftwaffe estaban preparados para efectuar una incursión sobre Creta. Dejando atrás grandes nubes de polvo y con sus motores a plena potencia, los aparatos de los Stab II y III/JG77 y del l.(Jagd)/LG2 despegaron enfilando el Mar Egeo.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Euromodelismo 169

Fue un día, al ojear el monográfico de AeroDetail sobre el Ju 88. cuando me vino la idea de "destriparlo" completamente. A todo esto, conseguí también la hoja de calcas Luftwaffe in focus n°3 de la marca Start Decals, donde encontré el camuflaje que he reproducido sobre la maqueta. La ¡dea de hacer este modelo fue tomando cuerpo poco a poco; por un lado, estaba frente a la posibilidad de hacer un Ju 88 que mostrara prácticamente la totalidad de su interior, y por el otro, reproducir un esquema de camuflaje muy llamativo que me permitiera explayarme con los procesos de pintura. Con una idea ya clara de lo que quería, me puse a estudiar toda la documentación que pude reunir (ver bibliografía), y cual no sería mi sorpresa al descubrir que el modelo elegido era en realidad un Ju 88 de la serie A-14 y no un A-4, que es la versión que reproduce ProModeller. De todas formas, las diferencias entre una y otra son escasas y resultan muy sencillas de resolver. En cuanto al avión en cuestión, se trata de un Ju 88 A-14 que operó desde Catania (isla de Sicilia) en 1943, usando un camuflaje atípico con los colores RLM 79/76/70 y blanco para el serpenteado.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Euromodelismo 168

El hecho de haberse mantenido en activo durante décadas y de ser un veterano de guerras como la de Vietnam, la Guerra de los Seis Días o la primera Guerra del Golfo, dice mucho sobre la fiabilidad del F-4. Desde siempre el Phantom ha sido, junto al P-51 Mustang, uno de mis aviones favoritos. Todos los maquetistas tenemos ciertas preferencias y esto genera que en nuestras vitrinas y estanterías puedan verse diferentes reproducciones de un mismo avión. En mi caso y tratándose del F-4, esto es un hecho. Afortunadamente, en el mercado actual podemos encontrar decenas de kits del Phantom a diferentes escalas y de gran calidad, como las maquetas que ofrece Hasegawa a 1/72 y 1/48, o el modelo objeto de este articulo, el F-4J de Tamiya a escala 1/32. Cualquier piropo, por así decirlo, hacia esta maqueta, se queda corto en mi humilde opinión, pues casi roza la perfección, y eso que soy de los que piensan que. por muy bien que trabaje un fabricante, la maqueta perfecta no existe. Lo primero que me llamó la atención fue que el fuselaje viene reproducido en una sola pieza, y es que en los años que llevo como maquetista nunca había visto cosa semejante. Esto nos ahorrará el tener que pegar las dos mitades del fuselaje, como suele ser costumbre, evitándonos el trabajo de enmasillar y lijar esa incomoda unión. De todos modos, paso a explicaros el desarrollo del montaje.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Euromodelismo 167

La nueva maqueta de Academy es en líneas generales muy buena y bastante fina, sobre todo si la comparamos con el veterano modelo de Tamiya. En un primer momento y después de hacer el consiguiente examen de la documentación existente sobre el Lee pensamos hacer uno de estos carros en el Pacífico, al estilo del realizado por Joaquín García Gázquez (ver Panzer Aces n°15), pero más tarde descubrimos una foto de un Lee destinado en el Norte de Africa en 1942 que estaba pintado con camuflaje, cosa bastante inusual, pues la mayoría de estos blindados, -a diferencia de los M3 Grant-, no solían ir camuflados. Así las cosas, las diferencias entre el modelo tal cual viene en la caja y el que deseamos representar son notables. En primer lugar destaca la fabricación de los faldones con lámina de plástico y de estaño, al igual que los cajones laterales, que han sido realizados con plástico de 0,2 mm. El resto se afina y detalla echando mano del habitual material de Evergreen, fotograbados sobrantes, masilla... Junto a algunos accesorios comerciales. Todos los procesos y mejoras están ilustrados y explicados en las fotos.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Euromodelismo 166

Después de nueve años de conflicto con Francia, Indochina quedó dividida en cuatro naciones: Laos, Camboya y los dos Vietnam, pero Vietnam del Norte no tardaría en convertirse al comunismo, liderado por el carismático líder inde-pendentista Ho Chi Mihn, y en anunciar su intención de reunificar Vietnam bajo una misma bandera. Para hacer realidad este deseo inició el suministro de material bélico al Viet Cong y avivó el enfrentamiento civil en los territorios del sur. Aplicando la Teoría del Dominó, EE.UU. temía que la caída de Vietnam bajo control comunista fuera el pistoletazo de salida para la creación de un imperio comunista, por lo que comenzó a mandar "observadores" a la zona y a realizar los primeros vuelos de reconocimiento. El 2 de agosto de 1964, el destructor USS Maddox patrullaba en el Golfo de Tonkin cuando fue atacado por patrulleras comunistas. Este ataque fue la excusa perfecta para que el Congreso autorizara al presidente Johnson a tomar las medidas oportunas para repeler ataques contra EE.UU. Como resultado de esta resolución, aviones norteamericanos despegaron de los portaaviones USS Ticonderoga (CVA-14) y USS Constellation (CV-64) para realizar el bombardeo inicial sobre bases de patrulleras y depósitos de combustible.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Euromodelismo 162

Haciendo una combinación de piezas originales de la maqueta y de los dos accesorios mencionados empecé construyendo el interior del puesto de pilotaje, que va pintado en interior green (AeroMaster). Una vez seco este color apliqué los consabidos efectos de luces y sombras, dando a su vez lavados para imitar la suciedad y pincel seco para resaltar volúmenes. Después pinté los detalles con acrílicos Vallejo: panel de instrumentos, equipos de radio, partes de cuero y el cableado añadido previamente. Decidí dejar la bodega de bombas abierta pero sin añadir ningún detalle extra, ya que para mi gusto está suficientemente reproducida. Me he limitado a pintarla también de interior green salvo los depósitos de combustible, que van de color rojo óxido, obtenido este úiltimo mediante mezclas (Vallejo). Aquí hay que trabajar igualmente los efectos de desgaste y suciedad, para terminar decorando las barras de los actuadores hidráulicos con colores metálicos (Adithes).

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Armour Modelling No.101

MR. SUMITOMO TAKAHIRO built a superb diorama of Russian tank out of the 1:35 scale Stalin Heavy Tank JS-2 kit released from Tamiya. He describes the construction in detail. While the kit of the JS-2 was assembled simply, its construction was completed very tight similarly to other Tamiya kits. It is the remarkable specialty of Tamiya products as well as the proportion he says. Though the kit provides enough parts to complete the model, he added details to the model using other parts. The casting marks are emphasized by tapping down the putty. The lights cords are added. The damage marks are added to the fenders and spare tanks. The tracks are of Modelkasten instead of the kit for he set the diorama scene as the tank was passing through on the bumpy earth. He set the diorama scene as " the JS-2 tank of Polish Army runs up the muddy slope " and tried to make a scene which tank crew carefully looked into the lumbers laid under the tank. It was the first time for him to build such a sloped and twisted earth. It was very hard work he said. The loped earth was built by piling up the drainboard-like thin board strips, on which woodfolmo was heaped up. After dry, a garden soil was spread over them. To fix those garden soils, the woodworking bond dissolved in water was sprayed heavily over them with atomizer.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Armour Modelling No.102

This Fi 156 Storch is the same machine which appears on page 31 of "Storch in Action", and on page 193 of "Recon for Rommel". It is mentioned in the latter book that Git. von Rintelen, Military Attaché in Rome, used this machine. The plane was most likely of General Rommel as seen here, followed by his la(operational general staff officer) Obstlt.i.G. Westphal in January/February 1942. And, it is very interesting to note that this Storch has the insignia of "African Continent" on the both sides of the nose (see both books mentioned above) in Schwarzgrun/Dunkelgrun painted off by Italian sand yellow or German Sandgelb. The painter(s) should be witty. PK men with a movie camera follow a Fi 156 Storch starting to take off during the operation "Barbarossa" during the Summer 1941 on the northern sector of the Soviet Union. The Storch coded "CF+MF" in black belonged to Befehlshaber(commander) of 4.Panzer-Gruppe, Generaloberst Hoepner who is in the cockpit. The insignia of white "Pegasus" on the nose represents the career of the General as Cavalry, and it is his flying machine. The camouflage paint is likely only RLM70 Schwarzgrun on upper and side surfaces, and RLM 65 Hellblau on under surface. The movie film from this scene appears in Wochenschau dated 6. August 1941.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Scale Aviation Modeller International 2004 09

This is a very welcome kit in my opinion, as I know of only one other in l/72nd. previous to this by an American company (Aviation Usk - Ed), Special Hobby has done a commendable job on the tooling of this kit with finely recessed panel lines and surface detail. All the main plastic parts are in the familiar dark grey with resin components making up the smaller finely detailed areas for the cockpit and undercarriage bays, for example. The nice clear canopy is vac-formed and two are supplied as a safety measure. This appears to be quite common in all kits from the Czech Republic. These take on the regular format of a nine-page pamphlet style with parts breakdown, a seven-stage assembly sequence and three pages of colour scheme diagrams showing clearly the options possible. Humbrol paint numbers are quoted and each stage flags up the colours called for. All the diagrams are very clear and straightforward to follow thus ensuring a correctly assembled model at the end. One thing I noted was the absence of the wingtip mounted pitot tube. It is shown on the plan views within the colour scheme drawings and the there is a hole for it to be mounted in the actual parts, but no part for the pitot tube!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Scale Aviation Modeller International 2003 05

The box comes fronted by a painting of the Cornell that I think is worthy of putting in a frame. Inside, a plastic bag contains a small sprue of light grey injection moulded parts. These are the main parts of the model and also include bits to build the earlier, open cockpit M.62. Panel lines and other details are well represented, but there is lots of flash and attachment points which intrude into parts. Careful separation and preparation will be called for. There is quite a comprehensive etched sheet, by MPM, containing mostly interior detail for both the student's and instructor's cockpits. There are excellent lap straps and shoulder harness together with rudder bars and pedals, trim wheels and throttle controls. There is a small mirror for the forward cockpit and an elaborate platform device, which I imagine is to mount a mirror or periscope for the rear cockpit. Exterior features on the etched sheet include a propeller retention ring, radiator exhaust cowl and three small ground-handling handles. Quite a few of these components require forming or folding up from two dimensions into three.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Modeler's Eye Series 3 - Messerschmitt Bf109G-6

In addition to being an information resource on the German World War Two fighter, the Messerschmitt Bf109, this book is designed to be used as a supplementary assembly guide to the new 1/32 scale Bf109 model Kits released by Hasegawa in 2001 and 2002, both the G-6, and the G-14. Because of that, the structures of the aircraft are introduced in the same order that the kits1 assembly instructions recommend that you assemble the model. Of course, the text comments extensively on the technical details of the G-6 and the G-14, but at the same time it presents extensive commentary and hints on the assembly of the Hasegawa kit and ways to improve your finished model. There are numerous external differences between the Bf109 G-6 and the G-14, including the shape of the cowling, the nature of the antenna mast and numerous other details. These characteristics make it particularly difficult for a modeler to accurately recreate a specific airframe. In particular, some variations exist simply due to date of manufacture, or the factory where an aircraft was produced, making it particularly difficult to identify the details appropriate to a particular example.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Scale Aviation Modeller International 2001 12

Having said that there was not much choice of colour schemes appropriate to the Gekko; some of the early production machines were finished in a green over grey scheme and these appear to have had white outlines applied to the roundels. Markings for one such aircraft are provided in the kit. This may provide an alternative for those contemplating building more than one variant of this aircraft and wishing for something a little different. A trawl through some of the appropriate internet sites (see references) revealed some pictures of aircraft with an overall light colour applied. I do not know what this colour was; overall grey (possibly tinted with protective varnish as applied to the Nakajima B5N to give a yellowish appearance) and even bare metal could be possibilities here.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Scale Aviation Modeller International 2001 10

During the next two days Greek pilots claimed the destruction of at least five Italian aircraft. The heaviest air combat took place during the 14th to 18th November 1940, when the Greek army began its counter attack. 22nd Mira was transferred from Salonika to Kalambaka airfield, where the 21st Mira was already stationed and both squadrons joined forces in support of the ground forces during their offensive at Kortiza. During the morning on the 14th November four CR.42s of the 393rd Squadriglia met nine PZLs of the 23rd Mira. The Greek pilots shot down two aircraft flown by Ernesto Trevisi and Augusto Manetti. Also damaged was Vittorio Pirchio's Fiat which subsequently crashed during an attempted belly landing. Four P.24s received combat damage, but none were shot down. Around Kortiza-Bilishte R24s of the 23rd Mira commanded by G. Laskaris shot down a SM.79 during a recce mission. The next day P.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Scale Aviation Modeller International 2001 09

The Nakajima Hikoki Gekko series were the first Japanese aircraft specifically designed as night and poor weather fighters. The design arose from a 1938 requirement for a long range fighter able to escort bombers. It was intended that the aircraft should be able to counter single-seat fighters. However the design incorporated twin remotely controlled turrets which were troublesome and made the aircraft too heavy and difficult to handle to be successful in its intended role. The appearance of the Mitsubishi Zero fighter meant that the Nakajima design was no longer required as a bomber escort. With the turrets removed and fuel capacity reduced the lightened aircraft was pressed into service in the long range reconnaissance role as the J1N1-R. The aircraft housed three crew members. The pilot and radio operator/rear gunner were accommodated in the front cockpit while the navigator was provided with a separate cockpit behind the trailing edge of the wing.