Saturday, July 25, 2009

FineScale Modeler 07 2004

Three cheers for Trumpeters 1/32 scale F4F Wildcat! Three more cheers that the company retooled to make the model better! Three jeers that it left a horrible inaccuracy. The F4F was built with raised rivets. However, the models detail is all recessed. This is as wrong as releasing an F-22 studded with raised rivets. This golden age of modeling is afflicted with an unfortunate mindset that all detail must be recessed. This is producing state-of-the-art models that are neither accurate or authentic. The F4F, SBD, B-17, DC-3/C-47, F6F, and TBF, for example, were studded with raised rivets on their surfaces. Former FSM Editor Bob Haydens editorial in the November 1997 issue was titled Accuracy or realism? He wrote, "We probably should be talking about better-looking models instead of either accuracy or realism." He is a modeling hero to me, yet I disagree about making models "pretty" -bringing out detail that isn't there on the real item just to showcase the mold-maker's craft. Trumpeters Wildcat is no doubt an awesome model - I want one - but Revells 30-year-old kit has superior surface accuracy. Long live (appropriate) raised rivets!

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