Airbrushing and Finishing Scale Models provides a detailed guide to creating a convincing paint finish for any model, be it military or civilian, aircraft, vehicle, figures or even background items such as groundwork or buildings. Brett Green explores the world of the airbrush and how to use it, starting with the basics of colour and paint fundamentals, before moving on to deal with airbrush hardware and essential supplies, and then specific airbrushing techniques such as freehand and masking. Most importantly, this book thoroughly and practically demonstrates the techniques needed to obtain a realistic finish across a broad range of models, from heavily weathered military aircraft through to pristine, high-gloss motor vehicles. This book is designed to offer a practical guide to airbrushing techniques for all sorts of scale modelling. We will cover some basic theory early in the book, but the emphasis will be very-much on painting techniques and plenty of step-by-step case studies. Most of the examples arc aircraft models, but we will also cover cars, tanks, military vehicles and maritime vessels.
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