Sunday, May 24, 2009

Terrain Modelling

The purpose of this book is to try to help any of you who have difficulty in reproducing the great outdoors in your dioramas. The method I have adopted is to model, and take step-by-step photos of, a number of areas of different kinds of terrain - in most cases, as 6in x 8in vignettes - to illustrate the way I work. This size suits the popular scale of 1/35th, and saved me from the impossible pressure of making a couple of dozen fullsize dioramas specifically for the book. At the same time I have included photos of some already finished dioramas; and also a few outdoor shots, which I hope will inspire you to gather your own useful references for future projects. Obviously, in a book of this size and with the time available, I have not been able to show an example of every type of terrain that you might possibly wish to model, but I hope I have been able to cover many of the main subjects. The methods used are, I believe, fairly simple and don't call for any painfully expensive tools or materials. Virtually all the materials I've used here are readily available in the UK, and I have included an Appendix at the end of the book which lists where I obtained the various brands and products. The chapters are organised in a roughly logical sequence; but the method of working through a series of vignettes has prevented me from keeping each aspect of terrain rigidly in its own section.

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