Saturday, March 23, 2013

Air Modeller Issue 15

The Duxford Museum is a very interesting place for everyone remotely interested in the history of aerial conflict, Air Power and Aviation as a whole. One of the Hangars houses the "Flying Legends", a group of very dedicated people and their airplanes. The planes are mostly aircraft from the Second World War and with great enthusiasm and skill they keep many of these in flying condition. Several times a year they put them on display for the benefit of all Aircraft enthusiasts and interested Spectators. The display is more like a big international family party with small re-enactments going on. The Pilots and Service Personal are dressed for the occasion in uniforms and there are field stations of all sorts on display. Here you can see a GI shaving In the mirror of a Willy's Jeep, there you can see RAF Flight Lieutenant marking a flight plan on a blackboard in front of a tent, with a perfect English moustache and a haircut in exactly 1940 RAF style. Also there were some veterans signing posters in a special tent and I noticed the presence of veterans from all sides, which reminds us all about the reasons under which these machines were constructed. Today thankfully they act more as a link between nations and visitors come from all over the world to see these fantastic men in their flying machines. Luckily the not so fantastic British summer of 2007 behaved itself for the very best backdrop for this Sunday in July.

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