Friday, March 27, 2009

Model Railroader 2009 01

Steelmakers use large quantities of recycled scrap metal that's shipped in from scrapyards all over North America. These loads arc always interesting due to the wide variety of colors, textures, and odd shapes in the scrap. Here's how' T made a batch of removable scrap loads for HO scale gondolas, and the same methods will also work for other scales as well. The "steel" scrap in my loads is made from aluminum shavings that I bought years ago at a train show. If you can't locale a source of similar shavings, bits of scrap styrene or non-magnetic plastic pot scrubbers will also work. Avoid using steel wool because it sheds small shards of metal that are attracted to motor magnets. I cut small blocks of plywood to use as the bases for each load and painted them flat black. See the photo above. I installed a small U-shaped handle in the middle that's made from the cut off end of a paper clip. Then I used a thick layer of white glue to attach the scrap metal to the block. To let the plywood bases drop freely into the gondolas, I cut them slightly undersized.

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