Monday, February 23, 2009

Verlinden Modeling Magazine Vol.6 No.4

Something all military enthusiasts are aware of is the rarity of seeing an authentic German vehicle, especially a tank, in a Hollywood production. With this in mind, the obvious choice for a German tank was a Chaffee. By adding a muzzle brake, "Schutzen" (Skirts) and Panzer gray paint with German crosses, we have a "genuine" Hollywood Panzer. The addition of an AMT Ford 150 pickup lends contrast between the modern and the historical. VP's Normandy Ruin became the focal point of the movie set and was detailed with Trophy Roof Tiles and balsa, not to simulate the real thing, but to depict a typical facade used in making films. After completing the components. I started on the groundwork. The plywood base was covered with homemade paper mache' sprinkled with sand, pebbles and finally, static grass. All were pressed into the "terrain". For the base I used Humbrol paint, artists oil wash, and drybrushed with enamels. The figures were base coated with Humbrol and blended with oils. The vehicles were finished using the same method as the terrain.

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