Saturday, January 10, 2009

Model Magazine International 04 2008

The cockpit on the Studio 27 Honda consists of a cast resin seat which goes into the body underneath. The dashboard is taken care of by a cast white metal main panel and steering wheel. The seat simply needed painting black and the seat belts finishing and attaching (see separate panel) while dash panel needed painting and carbon decaling along with the steering wheel and detail picked out. Now this is where my only small criticism of this kit comes out. The steering wheel in inaccurate in shape for a start but I had big fears that the cast white metal part would just not look detailed enough and be difficult to finish. After pondering various courses of action including trying to remake the steering wheel, I elected to use the kit part and try and add my own touches. Therefore the steering wheel was painted, carbon decaled and detail picked out. When this was done I have to admit that I was pleasantly surprised by the result!

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